Ch 06 Being Called Into the Game

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NOTE: This chapter isn't as good anymore because it was deleted. *TEAR* 

Original upload: April 14, 2013


Chapter 06 "Being Called Into the Game"

It's 6:45, a Friday night, and Hanna, Sky, and I are going to meet Truth or Dare. I was still waiting for Hanna to come out of the bathroom. I wonder what was taking her so long. It's not like we are going to a party. Besides the fact that Hanna was still in the bathroom, what was really in my mind, what was only in my mind, was this whole truth or dare thing. I thought we ended it during freshman year but why was it coming back? Especially now, out of all times. And most of all, who was doing this to us.

Suddenly, I saw Hanna in front of me. I didn't even notice her for a moment. "Are you okay? What were you thinking about?" Hanna asked.

"Nothing," I lied.

"Well, shall we go?"

I nodded to Hanna, and we both headed down stairs. We headed out the door and into Hanna's car to go to the town fair. As Hanna was driving, I was looking at the sky. The moon was as bright as ever. It was the eye of the sky. With twinkling stars surrounding it. I remembered that my grandmother told me that stars were like angels, looking down at us all. I believed that for so long.

Despite learning more about stars and space, I still wanted to believe that. While the car was moving, as I was looking at the moon it felt as if it was following me. Everywhere I went, it was following me.

Once we finally reached the town fair, we could see from a distance Sky waiting for us. Hanna approached Sky, so Sky could see that we were here. Hanna's nonchalant demeanor contrasted Sky's tensed eyes and shoulders. We are all here now.

"Well ready?" asked Hanna.

The moment Hanna asked if we were ready to go inside, my stomach felt as if it was turning in knots. My heart was a jackhammer that seemed to rattle my rib cage. I managed to nod my head, and Sky replied with a yes. All three of us enter the town fair to find many people inside. I was looking around to see who could have been the Truth or Dare person. But I wasn't going anywhere with it. Anyone can be Truth or Dare at this point.

Suddenly, Hanna's phone rang. I turned my head to Hanna, and I noticed the confused look on her face. I went closer to her, so I could read the message she was reading. It said:

Playing this game has so many complications; go to the place where you can see your own reflection.

Where can you see your own reflection? Reflection? When I thought of seeing my reflections, I thought of either water, glass, or mirrors. I scanned my eyes around the fair, looking at anything that had either of those things. My eyes eventually came to a stop. My eyes landed on a side that read The House of Mirrors. The House of Mirrors? Of course!

"Okay, what the hell is this guy talking about?" Hanna placed her hand on her hip.

"Maybe he's talking about the house of mirrors," I suggested.

"The house of mirrors?" Hanna replied calmly.

"Well, it said go to the place where you can see your own reflection, and the only place we can go to is there," I said as I pointed in the direction of the tent.

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