Chapter 5 | Family Ties

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I should know better than to be bribed with information. The girl literally had her hands around my neck ten seconds ago. And besides, whatever business her family is involved in is none of my business. William would want me to investigate for him, but I know better than to pry. Knowing too much is dangerous, and I already know enough to put me at risk. And here is Eris, dangling more secrets over me.

And why is she so eager to spill?

Nearby, a black car has parked close to where Eris pulled over. The windows are blacked out, revealing nothing inside, and every muscle in my body tenses up.

"Just my security," she says.

"Do they follow you home from school?" I ask.


"I've never noticed."

"You don't get it," she says, leaning against her car. "You don't get what it's like to have armed body guards follow you everywhere you go. You don't get what it's like to have a dad who's—" She stops abruptly and puts her hands in her hair, tugging at the roots. "I don't think you understand what kind of pressure I'm under."

I keep my gaze fixed on the black car behind us. "I don't think you understand that I want nothing to do with you."

"Too late," she scoffs. "Our dads crossed that line, and now, like it or not, we're connected. You're the only one who knows what's really going on with me. With everyone else I need to keep secrets, lying and telling them my dad's just an art dealer when really—"

"So that's why you're talking to me about this?" I interrupt. "Because I'm the only one who already knows?"

"I guess," she mutters. "I hate it. I can't stand it. I can't stand that none of my friends know, but you do. I can't stand to keep my mouth shut anymore. The shit I've seen, Ef. The shit I know. But we all keep it in the family."

"Are you talking about your blood family or the cartel?"

"Both. And you. You wanna know how it works, don't you?"

"Well, if we're going to finals in Mexico City together, I think I probably should."

But I'd be lying if I didn't say I wasn't curious. I am William's niece, after all. He's always getting in business that shouldn't concern him whatsoever. Eris is right. Unfortunately, we are connected. By secrets. By associations. By the dirty money that once passed through her father's hands into mine.

One time she got mad when I accused her of being part of a mafia family. She told me organized crime is something only her father specializes in—and most of his family has been murdered by now. Her mother's side of the family, other than a few cousins who went rogue, are senior managers of a big Mexican telecommunications company, which only adds to Eris' status as a rich brat.

She runs her hands through her hair, and when she pulls them away, I notice the strands caught between her fingers. I've noticed her do that sometimes—pull out her own hair. Maybe it's stress-induced.

"Shit's getting deadly lately," she says. "I mean, it always was. But now it's getting heated on this side of the border. You have narcos threatening rural farmers and taking control of the weed crops. People can't go to sleep at night thinking oh, all the murder is in Mexico anyway so we're good. It doesn't work like that anymore. The whole reason my dad moved to Cali is because it's supposed to be safer, right? Safer for his kids, safer to do business. But the enemies are closing in on us. We're basically dead meat."

This makes what William told me all too real. Knowing Eris is in danger sends a weird feeling down my spine. She's the daughter of a powerful man, which makes her a target.

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