Chapter 12 | Mafia Games

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"Sorry you had to see that," Eris says. "That motherfucker Javier never knows his place. Been dying to do that since the day I met him."

I stare out the car window, watching the L.A. lights come into view as we pass over the looping highways. "You're not worried his gang or whatever will come after you?"

"Come after me?" she scoffs. "When he's the one who doesn't understand respect? He's always starting problems, even his little bitch of a dad."

What I want to know is what will happen to the fingers.

"He deserves it," I say flatly.

Eris' pale lips curl into a smirk. "Damn, Ef, didn't think you were bloodthirsty like that."

"Clearly not as much as you."

"So you're not weirded out?"

"I actually found it quite exhilarating," I admit. "Seeing you point a gun at him, defending me. It was almost sweet."

She laughs loudly, her posture easing against the premium leather seat.

"I can't believe they have a Rembrandt in there," I say. "I should honestly tell the FBI, get my ten million in compensation, and then disappear to Canada."

"You won't do that."

"I should."

"Don't wanna mess with Ximena Levya."

"Who is she, anyway?"

"She's from Sinaloa. Used to be part of a powerful cartel that went all the way into Michoacán and Guerrero. Her and my dad go way back, even though they're not technically supposed to be allies. They worked together in the art trade. She stays low key. Manages real estate properties, hotels—you know, the legal businesses that help to launder the real cash. Lady has been married four times, finding a new capo every time the last one gets murdered, and she and Iker have definitely had an affair."

"You say she used to be part of a powerful cartel," I say. "What happened?"

"They got wiped out. They used to be part of the Sinaloa cartel, but they broke off in 2008 or something, and Sinaloa and the police wiped them out for the most part. So Ximena moved up to Tijuana."

"And she started working for Sinaloa again?" I ask.

Eris gives me a look, like she's calculating the cost-benefit analysis of divulging any of this information. "Nah. She's working with us now. We've always been allies."

"And who are you?"

"Tijuana Cartel."

Hearing her say it out loud makes it so much more real.

"That's the cartel that's supposedly dying, isn't it?" I ask. "Because Sinaloa and some other rival are fighting for the territory."

"Damn, Ef, have you been doing research?. Yeah. That's right."

"That puts you in a precarious position."

"Or a privileged one, depending on how you look at it."

"How so?"

"When you're one of the smaller dogs in the biz, you have more freedom to bring in new allies. It's not so centralized. Less people to upset, less consequences for changing loyalties."

"So what's the plan of action? How does Iker plan on getting power?"

Eris checks her reflection in the rearview mirror, noticing the smear of blood on her chest, staining her white tank top. She wipes at her skin and then reaches for the tube of sanitizer in the cupholder, squeezing out the sweet-smelling liquid and rubbing her hands.

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