Chapter 12-

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Reece is rubbing small circles on my back while he holds me tightly. His touch is gentle and for a moment I forget everything around me. That I'm mad and sad, that Nancy is in a bad condition and that everything seems to much at the moment. Through him I forget and silently cry against his shoulder. And gives me time to do that.

"Don't cry," he mumbles into my hair and slowly the tears stop completely.

With the back of my hand I wipe the last tears away and the reality comes back to my mind.

"What are you actually doing here?" I ask him.

He gives me a sincere smile before he answers.

"Did you forget about the meeting? You still have to go," he reminds me. 

And I really did. With Nancy being in the hospital and everything that is going on I totally forgot about it.

"Reece I can't just leave," I tell him and he sighs like he expected such an answer.

"I knew you would say something like that. I understand why you don't want to leave, but this is important as well. My mother is also sorry about what happened with the woman working in the bakery," he explains.

"Nancy," I correct him. "Her name is Nancy."

"We are sorry what happened to Nancy, but you can help her more if you go with me, instead of staying by her side," Reece says to me.

His words spark something in me and I listen more closely. There is nothing more I want to do than help her. Right now I'm helpless and if there is a way to help her then I'm open for it.

"How so?" I ask.

"Well, if we get to know more about you and your power, maybe we can get a clue about the person who attacked you and why he or she did it in the first place," he answers me and I wondered if he knows something about the person beforehand.

"Alright, let's go then." 

"Really?" Reece ask me a bit surprised. He probably thought it would take a lot more to convince me.

"Hey, I knew I heard something," my aunts voice suddenly cuts in and I whirl around to see her walking towards us.

Shit. I totally forget about the fact that I have to tell my aunt an excuse. But my mind is blank. Though it seems like Reece has a plan.

"I got this," he whispers and suddenly there is a different person standing next to me.

"Hello my name is Reece Matthews," he introduces himself, giving my aunt one of his killer smiles. "I'm a friend of Celia," he adds before Lily and he shake hands.

Somehow it feels a bit like he is introducing himself as my boyfriends, though i throw that thought immediately away. Me and Reece no we don't have that kind of relationship.

Lily looks surprised when he says that, but still answer him politely. "It's nice to meet you Reece. I'm Celia's aunt, you can call me Lily."

"Okay Lily," Reece says with a million-dollar smile and roll my eyes about his show.

He is exaggerating with his smiles, but I don't utter a word and let him talk.

"I'm really sorry about Nancy," Reece then says and I can see the surprise in Lily's eyes that Reece knows about her. She mumbles a quick thank you in return.

"And so I thought I could take Celia out for lunch and take her mind off everything for a moment," he tells my aunt with a glance in my direction and Lily thinks for a second about it before she nods.

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