Chapter 29-

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"Reece," I tried after a few minutes had passed, where we were silently walking next to each other.

"You seem to be fine now," Reece said, ignoring my try to speak about what just had happened or more not happened.

"Maybe you should let Slade look over you again, when you go back to the M.E next time," he just continued talking, avoiding the topic of our almost kiss at all costs.

I sighed, stealing another glance at him, but he just stared at the front or sometimes at Ares who was walking a few steps ahead of us. If he really didn't want to talk about it, I will just let it go, even if I knew it was something that was now added to my list of thinking too much about it.

"Fine," I whispered then, but load enough for him to hear.

A few days passed and today was the day of Aiden's big game, so I tried for one day to just think about him and support my best friend. It was against the school, which had won the last three years against them, but I was sure they were going to be amazing, because they had been working really hard. But the team wasn't the only one.

The last few days had been more than stressful because I was trying to solve so many problems. It was getting harder to look positive into Nancy's future, because with each day that passed the doctors thought that she wouldn't wake up anymore. Then there was also me trying to find something that lead me to my mother, though I couldn't find anything and when I asked my aunt about it, she told me that all the pictures were lost in the last few apartments we had lived in. And to top everything there was still the uncomfortable tension between Reece and me.

Even his sister noticed that something was wrong between us because yesterday she suddenly stood in front of my locker and told me that her brother was acting weirdly. More weirdly than he was already and then when she mentioned my name, he became stiff.

I told Kitty that it was nothing to worry about and that Reece and I would be back to normal in a few days because I didn't want her to worry about us. However I wasn't so sure of myself if we could get back to normal again. If he was even acting odd around his sister now, how would be react to seeing me again.

"What are you thinking about?" A voice suddenly interrupted my thoughts leaning against the locker to mine.

"Hey Liam," I said nodding at his presence. "About everything," I told him honestly, and he chuckled at my truthfulness.

"Don't think about everything too much," he advised me and ruffled my hair with his free hand. In the other one he was holding his sports back. Liam was also a part of Aiden's team, the captain to more specific. But he seemed so calm compared to his teammates, who were quite nervous and anxious about the game today.

"You know if you think too hard about something you head might explode. Not literally, but you will just worn yourself out and in the end it was most of the time for nothing."

I thought deeply about his words and Liam was right. Even if my thoughts were more important than thinking about a stupid test for example if I stress myself out so much I might get ill again.

"Thanks Liam," I smiled at him gratefully and he showed me his white teeth in return.

"Nothing to thank me for."

"Are you excited for later?" I asked him then changing the subject. "I mean everyone is so nervous about it and here you stand in front of me as calm as ever."

"Well somebody has to be," he told me before he left to get to his teammates. The whole team had got the day off, for this big day and nobody was jealous or against it, because everyone in this school was counting on them to win. Baseball was in our school the main sport, like football or soccer was in others.

The perfect timing (In Editing)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα