4) Trips Through Hell

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50 Ways to Say Goodbye

•She went down in an airplane

•Help me! Help me! I'm all out of time!

•50 ways to say goodbye

*End of Lyrics*

Every time I see Nick or Seth they toucher me.

They've been doing this for the past month.

It's April now. I mean seriously its getting ridiculous.

I mean my friend Kay in choir has to stand on my left every time we left class.

Because after third hour choir, I'd see Nick.

Some days we just locked each others gaze.

Others, the days when I was alone, he would say hi.

But that was only twice. And it left me confused as hell.

Like today, April 1st. I saw him in the stairwell.

He looked at me, and said hi.

Haha April Fools!

I so wasn't going to say it back.

Just for him to pretend like he hasn't been killing me since February; was jacked up.

The next day we had a field trip.

On the coldest damn day of April!

I can summarize the trip quickly.

The first talker made me cry because his life stories just broke my heart.

Then the second station made me plant trees in the mud.

I would squeak every time I would sink in the mud or couldn't get my foot out.

Jasmine and Ash kept laughing at me; mocking me.

Keep your head held up high. Never let them get to you. Be the bigger person Selena...

"Ah!" I turned around to find Jasmine had fell in the whole muddy river.

"My iPod is in my pocket!"she screeched.

She got up and also lost a shoe.

I couldn't contain it...I burst out laughing!

Karma's a bitch, bitch. Hahahaha.


Okay so...let's fast-forward to yesterday. April 17, 2013.

"Can the students going to the Spaceport please go to Ms. K's room? Thank you." I gathered my things and headed up there.

They handed us all a paper.

Room assignments.

There it was, in plain black and white.

Selena Brians, Hal Evens, Jessica Skies, and Mia Trans.

I was rooming with Nick's current girlfriend.

Dear God please let the Earth swallow me hole! Please!!

I didn't want to spend a good half of my trip hearing about what was supposed to be my relationship.

I couldn't.

Don't get me wrong, I am over Nick.

But it's come to the point where even his name makes me panicked.

But he couldn't know that.

I refuse to let him know he has power over me.

Nick dropped his papers as I was freaking out. Everyone up front squatted down to help.

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