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The encounter

Megan's POV

Monday mornings have never been on the list of things I need in my life.

Over weekends we are meant to rest and prepare for the week ahead, but nevertheless a Monday morning always left me feeling like I had been awake for days and to add to the drama of this morning I woke up with a pounding headache.

To say it was going to be a bad day would be putting it lightly.

I got to work with the ever prominent headache at seven thirty, work doesn't start till eight but I always prefer being early.

I walked through the glass doors of Sterling Enterprises; where I work as the Deputy CEO. At 24 years old I'm extremely proud of myself for making it this far, I started at the company when I completed my studies at 21 years old as a part of the advisory team for the company and somehow impressed the CEO with my skills and knowledge. I guess I've always been a bit of an over achiever, I was valedictorian in both high school as well as College, so it's pretty much a norm to do better and better.

This building is the HQ of Sterling Enterprises. From where we oversee all the different branches and companies across the world. The company was started by the Great grandfather (on his mother's side); P.J Sterling of the current CEO - Mr Robert Darcy and expanded by each generation that took over the company.

As I made my way past security I greeted Grant who was the Head of Security in the building and waved at Lucy who was already on phone. Most staff members were already present, despite the fact that official working hours of most office staff only begins at 8am and ends at 5pm. I used the private elevator reserved for Mr Darcy and myself to get to the top floor where my office is situated.

"Good morning Miss O'Conner. How was your weekend?" The cheery voice of my P.a. Marianna Smith fills my ears the instant I step out of the elevator.

Sometimes I wonder if the girl isn't perhaps hyperactive since she's so tenacious, "Morning Mari, my weekend was very good thanks and yours?" I said with a lack of enthusiasm all thanks to this darn headache.

"You don't look too good; do you want me to grab something from the pharmacy for you?" She asked her brown eyes etched with worry, "No, no Mari I'm fine. It's just a headache, I'll survive. What meetings do I have this morning?" I assured her while massaging my temples which temporarily eased the pain.

"You have a meeting with Mr Darcy in his office at 8:15, he says it's urgent and one at 10am with Joseph Gordon at Cafe Crème." she replied instantly, "Thanks Mari, I'll be in my office." She might be a little over the top sometimes but she is a very good assistant so I can't complain. I got settled in my office and put on my MacBook to check emails.

I was engrossed in work until my phone rang with Marianna reminding me of my meeting with Mr Darcy in 5 minutes. Immediately I got up with my tablet in hand and walked to Robert office, his p.a. Emily smiled and ushered me into his office.

"Good morning Robert, I trust you had a good weekend?" I greeted looking at the 42 year old man in front of me, Robert Darcy is a family oriented man and a rather pleasant person.

"Yes thank you Megan I did, hope you did too. Well down to business then." he replied, getting straight to the point. It's something I've always found rather refreshing about him he doesn't beat around the bush and prolong things.

"You've heard of De La Vega Enterprises. Well I've been engaged in talks with the current CEO, Enrique De La Vega over the past few months and after long hard consideration we have decided on a merger. We have weighed the pros and cons of such a deal and it's proven to be beneficial to both companies, the minor details of our decision must still be finalised however the decision has been made and we have shook on it. I'm aware that you knew nothing of these talks and perhaps you would have liked to have a say in it as the second in command of this establishment but I felt this was something I had to do myself. Since the decision was finalised by me I'm pleading with you to accept it and I'm requesting of you to do finalise the finer details of this merger." he explained.

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