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The confrontation

Megan's POV

Once everyone left the boardroom I took the opportunity to call Tyler.

"Sweet cheeks!" Tyler answered in a cheery voice, "Hello to you too darling" I said in a mock British accent making him to laugh, "To what do I owe the pleasure of this call" he asked and I gasped pretending to offended.

"Why do people have such little faith in me? You are the second person to question my motives today." I replied in a fake hurt voice, "Oh suck it up Sweet cheeks, but no really is everything okay? I tried calling your office all day but you were apparently out in meetings so I didn't bother to call your cell."

"Uh yeah sorry, I forgot to call this morning it's just been a hectic Monday and yeah I've been out of the office since the morning. I'll tell you everything if I see you later but soon it will all make sense. Back to my original reason for calling, did you get home safely last night?" I asked in all seriousness.

"Ncaww your concern touches my heart." I could just picture him wiping a fake tear away, "Better late than never I guess. Yeah I got home fine and I know what you're going to ask so in advance the answer is, No!" He stated already knowing that I was going to ask if he got laid or not, ha-ha.

"Oh Ty you know me too well, but don't worry about me, you and I both know this is an open relationship so I don't mind." I teased, "Megan Riley O'Conner I knew it I just knew it, you want me!" He gasped and I burst out laughing.

"In your wildest dreams Ty, I don't do used goods." I said with a smug smile, "Oh now you're just out to hurt my feelings. I thought you cared." I could picture him scowling while saying that.

"Whatever, Tyler. As much as I would love to continue this 'oh so lovely' conversation I have work and not to mention my need to find a new victim to keep me warm tonight." I said in a teasing voice, "Pshh the day you have a man in your bed will be the day you finally let me get you drunk." he scoffed at how ridiculous the idea sounded.

"Not going to happen Tyler, bye darling see you later Love you." I said and he replied, "Tell me that when you go through your first heartbreak, bye Meg Love you too Sis." I cut the call not bothering with a comeback.

As turned around I came face to face with the one and only; Enrique De La Vega.

Ignoring the angry look on his face I spoke, "May I help you?" He just stared at me before replying through gritted teeth, "Miss O'Conner, I don't appreciate being undermined by anyone! Your comment earlier was unappreciated for lack of a better word and to add to it at DLV we pride ourselves in confidentiality, that includes your boyfriend." he finished in a bitter tone.

I was not at all shocked by his statement and accusations so without missing a beat I replied in an equally acidic tone, "Firstly Mr De La Vega I do not take well to sexist remarks, your statement earlier clearly indicated to me that you have little respect for females and as a feminist I refuse to stand back and watch while you blatantly disregard the possibility of a woman being able to do your job," I took a step closer to him

"Secondly I do not appreciate anyone eavesdropping on my cell phone conversations regardless of whether or not this is your building, it is just common courtesy between two human beings to give a person privacy and thirdly I am a professional woman so you need not worry about me divulging any information about our deal to my 'boyfriend'. I was merely planning on explaining to Tyler why I'm going to be unavailable. Not that it's any of your business." I finished off glaring daggers at him.

He looked taken aback by my words and the venom in my tone. Before he could reply everyone came back into the boardroom and him not wanting for me to have the last say sent me a pointed look, "We'll finish this discussion later." he promised.

I'm pretty proud of myself, since I was just able to bring the legendary Enrique Demetrio De La Vega down to earth. The rest of the meeting dragged on, but by 5 it was adjourned.

I was all packed up and more than ready to leave, as I was making my way out of the door I felt strong arms wrap around my waist pull me back causing a gasp to escape my lips, he spun me around and pinned my back to the now closed door.

I looked up straight into stormy grey eyes. I took this time to study his appearance. His chocolate brown hair was dishevelled from running his hands through it too many times, it looked so soft that my fingers itched to touched it and feel its texture, his perfectly shaped eyebrows an eye lashes beautifully framed his stormy grey eyes, his high cheek bones and strong jaw line give him the sexy look of authority and manliness while his soft looking pink lips contradicted his strong features and hid what I would assume is a perfect set of pearly white teeth.

Enrique had me pinned to the wall with his hands at either side of my head so I could see his toned biceps flex under his blue dress shirt. I would bet a million dollars that he had a toned chest and a flawless six pack that I personally wouldn't mind exploring with my fingertips.

"I said we would continue the conversation later." he chastised in a dangerously calm voice. "I've said all I have to say" came my nonchalantly reply as I stared at him stoically.

"But I haven't" he said through gritted teeth with narrowed eyes. I rolled my eyes and spoke in a bored tone.

"Well then Mr De La Vega-"

"Enrique. Call me Enrique." he cut me off and my eyes widened, but I recovered smoothly, "Okay Enrique, say what you have to say so that I may leave." My voice was cold and left no room for argument.

"Megan, Megan, Megan that smart mouth of yours is going to cost you." he whispered seductively in my ear.

As much as I would like to pretend that I was not at all affected by his mere presence, I would be deluding myself. With that though, something in me clicked.

I dropped my laptop bag and purse down next to me, placed my manicured hands on his toned chest grabbed hold if his shirt and with a new found strength spun us around and had him pinned up against the wall with me standing between his legs.

I leaned up to his ear and whispered in a husky voice, "Trust me Mr De La Vega, I am not the one who will be paying for my smart mouth." I heard his breath hitch and his body tense as I ran my hands down his chest to his lower abdomen; dangerously close to the forbidden zone as I bent down to retrieve my laptop and purse from the ground.

At the level at which I was bent, my effect on him was clearly visible. I mentally celebrated; this has always been my favourite part. The feeling I got from leaving a man hot and bothered gives me an almost sadistic satisfaction.

Once I had the bags in hand with a full blown evil smirk, I stood up straight, turn on my heels and sashayed out of the other door, but not before having the last say, "Have a good evening, Enrique." I smirked and winked at the wide eyed man.



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