Gender Reveal #2 Surprise

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3 Months Later...

Elena POV

Damon finally pulled the slice of cake out to reveal blue. Everyone squealed and clapped excitedly as Damon and I smiled at each other before Damon walked into the kitchen and came out with another cake.

He set in down on the table, took the knife and we cut into it to reveal pink cake this time.

"You didn't think to tell me this?" Caroline squealed as she wrapped her arms around me, "I can't believe it!"

"Are you sure Damon's going to be able to handle this? Two babies and one of them being a little girl?" Bonnie asked sarcastically as she also hugged me. "Do you know what their names are going to be?"

"Charlotte Miranda for the girl but we haven't figure out a boy name yet."

"Damon Junior works." Damon whispered in my ear before handing Rachel a slice of blue cake.

"No, it doesn't."

"Ooh, burn." Caroline said, licking the blue icing from her finger.

"Oh, come on. We don't have forever." Damon whined.

"Babe, we have until July. That's 5 months away. Now hand me that slice of cake. The babies are hungry." I held my hand out motioning to the pink filled slice on the table.

"When you have twins can you feed them at the same time?" Jeremy asked.

"Um, that's a good question." I said, awkwardly taking a bite of cake to avoid answering my brother's weird question.

"Oh my God! Babe, she smiled at me!" Caroline squealed from the couch where she was holding her 3 month old daughter, Clara.

"It's just gas." Jesse told her.

Caroline giggled and scoffed, "Or maybe you're just mad she smiled at me first."

"I'm not mad, I'm just stating the truth." Jesse stated, doing a terrible job at hiding the fact that he was maybe a little mad. 

"Ok, babe, whatever floats your boat." 


"Choosing names is so hard" I groaned as Damon and I were still trying to figure out our son's name a week after finding out the genders. "If he choose a name, what happens if we change our minds after we sign the birth certificate or what if he hates it and then hates us because-" 

Damon's hand cupping my cheek stopped me as he laughed, "Elena, we've done alright with Ian so far, stop stressing. It's not good for the baby." He said, smiling as he leaned in and kissed me. Our moment was interrupted by our first born as he screamed from his crib upstairs, signaling that he was done with his nap and ready to eat lunch. 

Damon headed upstairs to get him and change him while I went to the kitchen to heat up some leftover mac and cheese. While I was waiting for that, I may have grabbed double chocolate ice cream from the freezer and a spoon from the drawer. I couldn't help that the babies wanted ice cream instead of actual food, now could I? 

"Mama's eating ice cweam!" Ian squealed as Damon set him down and he rushed over to me. "I want some too, Mama." 

"After you eat your lunch." I said and he bolted for his seat at the table as Damon grabbed the plates and took them to the table. 

"Ian, you have a fork for a reason." Damon said with a sigh as Ian was attempting to eat his food like a dog and getting it all over himself, the table and the floor. "Well, I guess he'll be getting a bath sooner than we thought." 

This is super short, but I had the urge to update it. I really need name suggestions for the boy because I can't think of any, so comment down below. And also do you guys want me to drag out the pregnancy or nah?

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