Chapter 9

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Enjoy! Blue eyed man above!

FlashBack Continued

"Excuse me?"

He laughed at her before talking. "Sorry, beautiful. I forgot you were American."

Taylor didn't find anything funny. "What do you mean?"

"I'm Italian. If you couldn't tell by the accent."

"Thanks for the drink," Taylor said tired of the conversation. "But I'm not interested."

He chuckled. "Who said I was interested in you? I can't buy a woman a drink?"

"Oh I don't know. If a man buys me a drink, I'm not going to think he doesn't want anything. All men what something." Taylor said getting upset with this man.

"No need to get mad. I just wanted to get to know you. I've been watching you for awhile."

"That's kinda creepy. I wouldn't say that to a woman."

He laughed. "I been watching you since you first walked through that door. I watched you order a drink with your friend. And I watched you walking around looking for your friend."

"You should've been watching my friend. Maybe you could've told me where she went so I can leave this place." Taylor said looking around the club in disgust.

"Oh, I know where she is."

"What," Taylor yelled excitedly. "Tell me. Whe-"

"Now why would I tell you?" He said leaning forward.

"So I can leave." Taylor said in a duh tone.

"But, that's the thing. I don't want you to leave, unless it was with me." He said cockily, while grabbing her hand.

Taylor snatched her hand away and got up heading to the exit door. She knew exactly what he meant. "Fuck you!"

She almost slide past the guards when she heard. "Non lasciate che il suo congedo, Tony." (Don't let her leave, Tony.)

The biggest guard slided between Taylor and the door.

"Beautiful, please, just come back and sit down. I just want to talk." He said walking up to Taylor, towering over her, grabbing her arm firmly and pulling her back over to the table.

"Let go of me!" Taylor yelled. "I just want to go home."

"Okay let's make a deal. If you sit and talk with me for a good 30 minutes, I'll tell you where your friend is." He said sitting her down at her side of the table and taking a seat at his side.

"But I want to go home, now!"

"Aw, c'mon, just 30 minutes." He said staring into her eyes.

"15 minutes." Taylor challenged.


"That's not much of a difference from 30!"

He laughed. "Okay what about 25?"


He thought for a moment. "Fine."

Taylor smiled. "So talk."

"What's your name?"

"Don't you think that's a little personal?"

"Not at all, beautiful." He said.


He leaned forward. "Such a beautiful name."

"Thanks." Taylor said not impressed. Taking a look at the drink he bought her, she asked. "Does this have alcohol in it?"

"I don't know." He lied. He knew it had alcohol in it. He just wanted her drunk. "I picked it, because it matched your dress."

"Oh." Taylor picked up the drink and took a sip of it. Smiling, she said. "This is actually really good."

"I knew you'd like it." He said watching her drink the rest of it. "Martha!"

Taylor saw the same young women from before run up to their table.

"Yes, sir?" She said out of breath.

"Another Pink & Oranges. And don't take forever like the last time or it's your job." He said in a very stern voice.

Taylor watched her run off with the glass. "Are you like the manager or something?"

"I own this club, baby, and also other businesses, but let's not talk about me. I want to know more about you."

Martha came running back over with the drink, placing it in front of Taylor. Taylor was about to ask her what was in it, but she had already ran off. Picking up the drink, she sniffed it, then brought it to her lips and took another long swallow. When she put the empty drink down she saw, the man smiling at her.

"What?" She asked.

"You must be really thirsty." He laughed. "Martha another one, now!" He yelled over the music everyone could hear him and Martha's poor feet running around again.

Martha plopped the drink down in front of her and grabbed the empty glass, running away. Taylor picked up the drink taking small sips now, she felt a little tipsy.

"Are you ssure there's no alcohol in thiss?" Taylor said noticing her words slur.

"I never said there wasn't any in it. I said I didn't know, but there might be."

Feeling a little thirsty she drank the rest down. "Wow!" She yelled shaking her head and squeezing her eyes tight.

"Mart-" He started.

"No, noo mooore." Taylor laughed getting up and sitting by him. "You're so sexy."

"Thank you, Taylor." He smiled knowing she was drunk.

"Haha, how about we leave this loud place, hehe, I can't hear you." Taylor said practically sitting in his lap.

"Would you like to go to my Penthouse?" He asked rubbing her arms.

"Yes, baby."

To be continued...

*Finally! PLEASE READ: I haven't gave him a name yet for a reason! So no his name is not blue eyed man! Lol. You can stop reading if you want now. Anyway! For anyone that is reading Thank You! I've been putting them up late. I know sorry. I want to put them up around 2-3 PM, but I haven't lately. :(*

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