Chapter 21

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This chapter is boring. Sorry :/ Enjoy!

"Why do you wanna know how to ride a bus?" Taylor asked over the phone.

"Because I want to ride one."

"But why do you want to ride one?" Taylor said.

"Why are you aski-" Jeremy heard his phone beep indicating he was getting another call. "Hold on."

He smiled at the person calling and clicked over. "Hello Gregory."

"Jeremy." He said plainly.

"So, what do you want?"

"I talked to your mother," he paused. "She said I should at least leave you a car, so I won't take the Range Rover, but under one condition."

"That is?" Jeremy asked.

"You are coming to the family dinner."


Gregory sighed. "Then I'm taking the car."

"Papa!" Jeremy said quickly letting his accent come out. "Non è giusto." (That is not fair.)

"Pick one. No car or coming to the dinner."

Jeremy thought for a moment. "Okay, I'll go."

"Great, make sure you bring Chase's mom." Gregory said quickly.

"No I will no-" Jeremy was cut off by the line going dead. Gregory hung up.

Jeremy clicked back over to Taylor.

"Never mind I don't want to ride the bus anymore."

"Okay? Whatever. When are you getting off? I wanna see my baby." Taylor said.

"I wanna see you too, but what about Chase?" Jeremy said playfully.

"I'm talking about Chase. Now, seriously, when are you getting off?"

Jeremy looked at the clock. He realized he hasn't done anything all morning being at the office.

"I can't leave until 5 PM."

Taylor sighed. "I thought you were the boss? You should be able to leave anytime you want."

"That's true, but I have to set an example for my employees. If they see their boss slacking off they will, too."

"And who told you that?"

Jeremy laughed. "My father."

"Well, we have nothing to talk about. So, bye Jeremy. Call me when you're leaving."

"Good bye Taylor." Jeremy said smiling, then hanging up.

It was now 1:56 PM and Chase was crying again.

"Chase,"Jeremy said, looking at his little red face. "I don't know what you want."

Jeremy lifted him up and sniffed his diaper.

"Your diaper is clean, so why are you crying?"

Jeremy groaned when his crying grew louder. He was debating on whether or not to call Taylor. He didn't want to bother her anymore and he wanted to see if he could take care of Chase by himself.

Jeremy's stomach growled. He glanced at the clock.

"It's lunch time, Chase, you hungry?" He asked nonchalantly.

Realization came to him. "You're hungry! That's why you're crying. Aw I'm sorry, Chase."

Jeremy reached into the diaper and pulled out a bottle with formula in. Taylor had pre-did the bottles to make it easier for Jeremy. All he had to do was add warm water.

He pulled out his phone and called Tracie.

"Tracie, I need warm water. Do not make it too hot like you did the last time. Bring my lunch as well." Jeremy was about to hang up but heard her speak.

"Wait! Uh... What would you like for lunch?"

"What do I always get?" Jeremy sighed.

"You always ge-" Jeremy cut her off.

"Exactly." He said then hung up.

Jeremy lifted a crying Chase to his shoulder and patted his back.

"Chase." Jeremy whined. "The food is coming, okay?"

Chase continued to cry, even when Tracie showed up. Jeremy turned around at the noise of his door opening. He watched two people walk in. Jeremy rolled his eyes recognizing the new person. He put on a fake smile like he always did around his employees.

Jeremy quickly grabbed the water from Tracie, but first he checked the temperature. It was a little too cold, but better than being too hot. He poured the water into the bottle and shook it up and slowly placed it into Chase's mouth which immediately calm him down.

He watched Tracie walked out and glanced at the person who was staring at him. Jeremy really didn't like it when his employees came to his office, because, usually, they would ask for a raise or a promotion.

Jeremy sat Chase in his lap with the bottle still in his mouth. He out on a fake smile and looked at the person that always came to his office.

"What is it now, Antonio?"


Taylor's Journey (BWWM) ~Interracial~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora