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The room was dark, cold and wet. I was surrounded by cemented walls, thick metal bars and a cot. My family has no idea where I am. I don't even know where I am. I was brought here by a man in a ski mask. The man would bring me some food on a plate at every "food-time" hour. Sometimes it was pretty good; sometimes it tasted nasty. I hated the man in the black ski mask. He took me away from my semi-normally-good life. What did he want with me?! But even if I didn't like it here, I was stuck here. No way to get out - unfortunately.

"Jenna," I heard a hushed voice coming from a male, "do you know why I brought you here?"

I sat up in the cot to look at the man who was speaking to me as if I was some doll. I turned away from him. I refuse to talk to this low-life, selfish, scumbag. I laid down and turned to face the wall, pulled my worn blanket over my head and closed my eyes. Maybe, if I ignored the butthead, he'd go away.

Sadly, I was wrong.

I heard the creaking noise of the metal bar door opening. I felt like a prisoner in this hell hole. I could feel him standing over me, casting a shadow probably up the wall. I opened my eyes a little and sure enough, I was right - this time.

"Please, Jenna." He sounded sincere. Screw him, he was holding me captive! He kidnapped me and stowed me away in a jail cell!

"Mmmr." I let out a groan and tightened my grip on the sheets over me.

"Sit up. I order you!" I could tell he crossed his arms and sent me a daggering glare at the back of my head.

"Or what?" I felt the words come out of my mouth like a breath of air. Mercy, I was holding my breath. Breathe, Jenna Mae, Breathe.

I'm not going to lie; this man had me shaking in my boots (if I was wearing any). He seriously scared the jeepers outta me. I stared at the wall, waiting for the worse to occur. Instead he sat at the end of my cot, by my feet and sighed. I let out a relieved sigh, maybe a little too loud. 

"Or I won't bring you dinner." He stood up angrily.

At his command, I threw the blankets off of me and sat up. Holding the crappy pillow up to my knees, I leanded back against the cemented walls.

"Why? Why me? If I may ask, why did you take me?" I felt a tear drip down my cheek. He went to wipe it away and I slapped his hand. I would put up with his crappy way of treating his "guest", but I will never let that man touch me. Ever.

"Jenna, Jenna, oh sweet Jenna." He said in a tone that scared me, "It was all your parents' idea."

My eyes opened even wider, I felt another tear come out of my eye and down my cheek.

"How dare you?!" I shouted.

I sprung to my feet, outraged. My parents would do no such thing! They loved me and cared about me. I was their own daughter for God's sake! They wouldn't give me up to a creep. They wouldn't abandon me.

"Jenna, calm down." He stood up and grabbed my shoulders.

"My parents wouldn't do such a thing. I'm their own kin, their blood." More tears shed down my cheeks as I was realizing something.

He was right.

I was wrong.

As usual.

I may have been their kin and blood. They may have acted like they cared and loved me. But they didn't. My parents did abandon me. Now that I think of it, they acted differently to me than to my younger sister. She got nice clothes, Barbie galore, she had a laptop, cellphone and television - and was only twelve. I got decent clothes, only ever owned one Barbie, I didn't have a laptop or a cellphone - and I was almost sixteen. Now I know why they seemed so, robotic-like. They didn't like me at all. Never.

I was crying up a storm now.

I hated this Thing that kept me held up in here.

I hated my parents for abandoning me.

I hated myself, for too many reasons to name.

Still, more importantly I hated the fact that I felt alone in this world.

Because I was.

Especially, since the Thing left me to cry in the middle of my cell.

Life sucks.

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