Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

He forced me to hold his hand. I didn't want to lose good food again. His hand was rough and strong. We walked up the stairs to the first floor of the building. It looked pretty nice. Flowers, pictures, nice things were all around. He still had his ski mask on.

Was he really going to go to a party like that?

"Put this on." He handed me an apron.

I'm serving the dinner party?!

Ugh - I knew this all was too good to be true.

But at least I was out of the damp cell.

One hour later, people started arriving.

"I have to go." He stated flatly. "You know what to do."

And, he was gone.


The night wasn't bad, there was a lot of people, but I've waitressed before. I knew what I was doing.

"Would you like some cubed cheese?"

Many refuses, some acceptations, too much glares.

Music died down, people stopped talking and we all turned towards the main entrance.

A tall, broad shouldered, shaggy short brown haired boy walked through the doors. He was wearing a black tuxedo, with a red tie and a white shirt. I usually don't drool over guys, but this man was hot! With a capital 't'. As soon as the doors shut, you saw a lot of girls run towards him and everyone started to mingle once more.

Hours and even more hours passed by, nothing exciting happened.

This party was a real dull.

Two aching, boring, dull hours passed by and the party finally ended.

The Stud left early though. I wonder why...

The last person to leave was the staff and then I was stuck there, in the middle of an open mansion-like building. I was thinking of running, but I couldn't move.


"Ahh!" I was startled by a too familiar voice. I scowled and turned around to see a tall man standing before me. He was wearing a black and white shirt with some blue skinny jeans. His shoes were DC's. purple ones. He had his mask on again.

"Scared you?" He grinned. He had really bright white teeth. Ha-Ha.

"Just a little," I let out a small laugh and then shut my mouth right away. I straightened out and got all serious, "Soo."

"Yes, ma'am?" He smirked.

Gosh, I hate that boy. He thinks he's so sexy under his black mask. He thinks that I might actually like him. Ew! The thought of that sends chills down my spine.

"One: you don't call girls 'ma'am', EVER! We hate it. Call us 'miss' until we die." I cross my arms. "And two: where were you?"

He looked around to see if anyone was near, leaned in close to me, and whispered in my ear, "None of your business, MISS Nosy."

I could smell his cologne, Axe. Mmm, it smelled good. I looked up into his eyes. He was probably six foot. I'm only 5'7. He looked down at me and smirked. Crap, he knew I was smelling him. He figured out that I was admiring his features. His very sexy features. His hand moved to my face and moved the piece of hair that was sticking to my sweaty cheeks behind my ear. I felt a blush come on to my cheeks. If this Beast was planning on kissing me, he better be wearing a protective cup. I will never let him place those lips on me. Ever. Got it? I said, EVER!

"Okay, let's go." He held his hand out for me to grab it. I took it, I had to. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2011 ⏰

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