Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

My name is Jenna Mae. I am fifteen and three quarters years old. I usually wear my black hair up in a messy bun. I don't wear tight-fitted clothng and jewelry. I live a pretty normal life, except one concept - I was kidnapped. Well, actually abandoned. My parents gave me away to this Thing. A creep. He treats me worse than a pet. And he always wears a black ski mask.

I was taken away in the middle of the night. I'm sure my parents drugged me so I'd sleep heavily that night. They didn't pack any of my stuff. I was stuck in this cell, with only the pajamas I was wearing.

For the first week being held up in this cell, I would scream and shout and curse at the Thing. He would just laugh. The more I screamed, the ickier food I got. The less I whined, the better food I got. I decided to stop screaming at him. I would just whine to myself. I mean, there's not much you can do in a cell surrounded by only cemented damp walls.

It's been two weeks since I got to 123 Hell Hole, Somewhere, I don't know, 45678. "Sir?" I asked the Thing as he was approaching me. "What?" He snapped. "I was hoping you'd have a notebook, or a book, or something. I mean, I do want to stay sane." I shrugged.

"Oh, I'm sorry. We're fresh out of... What was that? Oh! Sanity." He chuckled, placed the roast beef on a bun (on the plate, of course) on the floor and walked away.

"Scumbag." I murmured. I was hoping he heard me. Then again, I hoped he didn't. Who knew what the Thing would do with me if I so mercifully talked back.

"I would say I heard that. But that would mean I'm hearing things. Because there is nobody in this room with me. Nobody."

Okay, so the words did sting a little more than you probably think they did.

"At least, I'm not some Scumbag who likes to make fun of his prisoners." I shot back at him. 

Hey, he started it.

Fine, I did.

But he really hurt me. Because what he said was true:

I am a Nobody.

He turned around slowly and started to walk towards me. I quickly panicked and backed up against the damp wall. He picked up the plate of food, spit on the floor and walked away.

"I hate you." I said with a flat look on my face, which I knew he knew I had and it made him cringe in sadness.


Thing - 5

Me - 1

Okay, not the best. But I'm getting there.

5 A.M., Friday Morning.


The sounds of a plate with hopefully a lot of food (which I doubted so much) hit the floor and woke me up. The creaky metal bars opened I shut my eyes tighter closed. I heard footsteps slowly getting closer.

"Wake up!" He threw the blanket off of my body. I tried so hard to keep my eyes close, it was difficult. Especially when you wanted to spring up and choke the dimwit who was keeping you hostage.

"Oh, Dollface..." He said in a voice that literally sent shivers down my spine, I turned around to face the wall. My chest tightened and I realized I'd been holding my breath. His nickname for me, "Dollface", was one of the many different names he's called me. It scared me the most because I felt like a child in the arms of a murderer, or even a raper. Which, I hope he wasn't. He knew why I hated that name, I'm sure of it. He knew how much I hated him as well. Scumbag.

"Eat your food. Get dressed. And don't say a word!" I was ready to open my mouth to comment on the fact that, one: I had no clothes and two: I'm not changing with him standing there. As if he knew what I was thinking, he threw something on top of me and walked away, closing the gate after him.

I opened my eyes slowly, hoping I didn't fall for some stupid trick. Good, he's gone. I sat up on my cot and looked at the clothes he threw on me:

One pair of low-cut blue socks.

A pair of purple and black checkered sneakers.

Black skinny jeans.

A white shirt.

A black and pink striped, dress-up, over shirt.

Wow, he gives me better clothes than my parents ever did.

Doesn't mean I'll start to like Him.

Get dressed for what?

I looked down at the floor by my "door" and saw an egg omelet, a roll, a glass of milk and some bacon waiting for me. I set the clothes beside on my cot and got up slowly. My head was dizzy. The food smelled good - and fresh. I picked the plate up and saw a note, it said:

Dear Jenna,

If you do not eat this food and get ready in thrity minutes,

You will pay the consequences.

Your Friend,


Well, I found out his name.

But, who does he think he is? Telling me what to do like I'm some prisoner. Wait, I am. The Thing's name is Derrick. I still don't know what he looks like... Should I be scared?

Since I didn't feel like sitting on that rundown cot, I sat on the floor. My clothes fit pretty nice and the skinny jeans didn't sophicate me.

Boom. Boom.


It was - Derrick.

He opened the gate.

I sprung to my feet.

"Very nice," I could see his eyes moving up and down my body, "checking me out". The corners of his lips curled up into a smile. I still hate you, you... You Thing! I wanted to scream it. I wanted to run out of there while the gate was open. But I couldn't move.

"W-W-Where are we going?" I felt shaky, I was nervous and scared.

"Upstairs." He said calmly.

My eyes grew wider and I became even more frightened.

"Jenna Mae, your in the basement. I'm not going to rape you. Get that thought out of your head." He took one step closer to me and I stepped backwards.

"Don't even think about touching me." It came out more flat than I thought it would.

His eyes narrowed, his smile went away and he grew angry.

"Whatever," he turned around, "its time for the dinner party."

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