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Since I didn't have any party dress with me Mathilda lent me one.

Since she is a bit shorter than me the dress was a bit shorter on me than it is on her but I liked it.

It is a black lace dress that went to around mid thigh and hugged my ass perfectly.

I also borrowed a pair of black platforms that where too big for her but fit perfectly on my feet.

My hair was just loose and wild and my make-up was simple, didn't want to be too fancy.

When I began walking down the stairs I could feel Luke's gaze on me the whole time.

I took my jacket and put my phone and wallet in it before opening the door.

Mathilda came not long after me and rushed out the door in a hurry.

I was just about to walk out the door when I felt Luke's large hand on my butt.

"God you look so hot" he practically moaned in my ear.

I smirked at him and made sure to sway my hips a little as I walked away from the house, following closely behind Mathilda.

"You excited?" She squealed wrapping her arms around me for a brief moment before letting go.

"Yeah but not as excited as you" I laughed.

"Well you never know I might find 'THE ONE' " she said putting air quotations at 'the one'.

"And maybe you will too" she nudged me, wiggling her eyebrows slightly.

"all ready have a man remember? He is the reason I broke up with Sebastian" I reminded her, feeling slightly guilty just by the thought of it.

"Oh right" she exclaimed

"Well are you going to tell me who it is?" She said staring at me with her large blue eyes, which she got from Luke.

I hate keeping a secret from her but this she can't find out about. She would freak out and hate me for the rest of my life.


"He-he is older that is all you have to know for now" I stammered trying to act cool about the whole situation, but failing miserably.

"When will I get to meet him?" She asked,  trying hard to pry information out of me.

"I don't know I don't think he is ready"
I said, trying to avoid the fact that the man I'm talking about is HER FUCKING DAD!

She gave me a suspicious look before turning her head and looking back down at her phone.

The party was only a few blocks down from her house so we walked the way.

When we were about a block away we could already hear the music pounding and occasionally the sound of wohing and screaming.

It was already 21:00 so the party had been going on for around an hour by the time we arrived.

The front yard was covered in jolly teenagers and the house even more so.

When we entered the house the scent of alcohol and weed hit my senses like a truck.

I could already see a cloud of smoke hanging in the air.

I wasn't too excited about this but Tilda looked so amazed and energetic I didn't want to dampen her flame.

She pulled me towards the kitchen where there were rows of gins, vodka, whiskey, you name it.

I took a red plastic cup and poured some regular beer into it before turning to see where Mathilda had gone.

I couldn't quite spot her at first but my eyes soon fell on the slim brunet who was already dancing her ass off in the living room.

I laughed at her, taking a sip of my drink.

"Hey" I heard a deep voice come from behind me.

I turned around to find Jake Peters, the captain of the football team and hosting this party, standing there.

"Hi" I chocked out, takin another sip of my beer.

"Milla, Sebastian's girl right?" He asked taking a cup for himself and filling it up.

"Milla yes" I said

"But I'm not Sebastian's girl" I said looking into his chocolaty brown eyes.

"Oh you guys broke up?" He asked

"Yep" I plainly said, answering his question.

"Well then" he said, taking a few steps closer to me.

"Would you like to dance?" He asked, holding out his hand for me to grab.

I simply nodded and took his hand.

He dragged me into the living room and started moving to the rhythm. Me following his steps a minute later.

Four beers later I was wasted. I honestly didn't even know where I was anymore.

I was grinding on some guys crotch which I assume was Jake Peters'.

Soon I felt lips come in contact with my neck and jumped at the feeling.

I turned around and gave him a weird look, hoping he would understand I don't want that.

He didn't.

He leaned in and smashed his lips to mine. I didn't kiss him back.

I may be drunk but I'm not drunk enough to forget about Luke and know that this is wrong. Even though what I'm doing with Luke is even more wrong.

I put my hands on Jake's chest and pushed him away from my body.

"Come on baby I know you want to" he said taking a step closer to me again but being halted by my hands once again.

"No" I simply said.

"Come on Milla" he said trying to grab my waist but I pulled away from him.

"I said no" I exclaimed sternly.

"Stop being such a stubborn bitch" he said before grabbing my wrist tightly and pulling me through the room and up the stairs.

"Stop" I shouted, hoping someone would stop him, but everyone was too drunk to notice what he was doing.

He pulled me into a room and threw me into the bed before locking the door.

"You are so hot" he said taking slow steps over to me.

I crawled off the bed but was quickly stopped from running anywhere because he slammed my body up against the wall.

"Please stop" I cried out, tears starring to roll down my cheeks.

"No I can do what ever I want with you" he smirked before attaching his lips to my neck and grabbing my wrists in his hands and pinning them up over my head.

I started kicking my legs and screamed for help.

"shut up!" He yelled at me before raising his hand up and slamming it down on my left cheek, making me scream out in pain.

I dropped to the floor, holding my hand over my numb cheek.

"Get up" he ordered

I didn't move I stayed on the floor.

"I said GET UP!" He demanded, grabbing my wrist and pulling me up.

"Stop!" I screamed

He just pushed me against the bed and pulled my dress up so my black lace panties were showing.

I kept screaming.

But no one could hear me.

I was alone in this room with this monster and I couldn't get away.



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