Part Four: Plan B

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Maybe Averia was overreacting. Maybe she wasn't to be married to the cruel Nasim. But in her mind, there was no chance she was waiting to find out. She had to run now. Gracina lived in the Stone Circle, perhaps she could stay there while looking for a house in Arabia. Averia loved her kingdom, and didn't want to leave it entirely. It was only her marriage that had forced her to abandon her normal place. So she was disguising herself as a normal woman. A villager, a respectable, hardworking, free girl. She climbed out the window of the old wing in the palace. Using a rope, Averia lowered herself down to ground level. Then she wrapped a headscarf around her, obscuring her face and creating the image of a good village girl. Then she left the palace grounds, seemingly forever. She wandered into the market, and was amazed by the sights and sounds. Camels, bright cloth, vendors everywhere! How magnificently normal this place was! A smile came across Averia's face. This would do nicely as her new life. Maybe she could even get a job! How fun that would be! In that moment, all Averia wanted was to become like these busy people around her, laughing with friends, earning their livelihood. It was beautiful. Averia nearly dove into the crowd. Where could she find work? She wandered for an hour, going with the crowds wherever she wished. Then a wooden door caught her eye. It was a normal door, but something from inside seemed to pull Averia. She glanced at the sign above the shop. Jewelry. Great. But this was a time for adventure, wasn't it? She would go in, just this once. The door didn't make a sound as Averia entered the shop, which was lit only by a lamp and a single window. The little light was all that was needed, however. It caught the glint of what treasures lay on the table in front of Averia. A circlet shaped of silver leaves, a large necklace of gold coins, an emerald bracelet. The craftsmanship was truly beautiful. A voice broke the silence: "You like them?" Averia lifted her eyes from the table to see a woman around her mother's age. The lady was wearing a dark blue and gold outfit with no headscarf. Averia bowed quickly. She could feel her back cracking as she bent. Ow. She rose with a pained look on her face. The woman either didn't see it or ignored it. "You need to go back, you know." Averia's jaw dropped. "Ah....what do you mean?" The woman gave her a look that very clearly said "Don't try that with me." Averia sighed and pulled back her headscarf. "My friend, I don't know who you are. How can you say that I need to go back?" The woman didn't answer right away. Instead she sat down behind the table of treasures. "Averia, I know who you are. My name is Fahimah. I am but a humble jewelry maker, but I beg you to listen! If you continue in your plan to run from duty and family, you will weaken if not break the bond you have with your family! Princess, do not do this terrible thing! Return home and become the great Princess once more!" Averia was taken by surprise by Fahimah's strong feelings. In fact, she began to question her own judgment. Running from her problems wouldn't solve them. It would only break her parents' hearts to hear of their daughter's disappearance. And so Averia took a breath and spoke. "I will go back."
Fahimah smiled as Averia turned to go. She didn't catch the look of surprise on Averia's face as the princess saw the tiny golden symbol on her door: that of a beautiful key.

Like the ones that had brought the Royals together.

Royals Through Time 5: The ArabiansWhere stories live. Discover now