Chapter 5: The games begin

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2310 HOURS

Sir William retrieved a decanter and poured three drinks into tulip-shaped glasses. "I know most people assume that Armagnac and Cognac should be drunk from snifters, but that's because of inbreeding and use of snifters by uncultured actors in movies. Tulip-shaped glasses ensure that the bouquet is captured perfectly. Remember that when you marry, my dear."

Alexandra accepted the peace offering without responding.

"I assume you both realize that you have stumbled into one of your country's most precarious diplomatic operations? I have the choice of bringing you into the tent or banishing you." He swirled the amber liquid in the glass to check its legs. "Lovely legs. Not you, my dear. The Armagnac," he teased. "If I bring you two in, you will be in great personal danger from both our enemies and our friends. Do you understand that, Alexandra?"

The use of her first name surprised the Inspector. She mirrored his actions with the cognac before responding. "I do, Sir William. However, I also recognize that you vetted me before you allowed the Commander to use me for your research. Therefore, you will be bringing me into your tent." Alexandra delicately savored the eau-de-vie. "Does Colonel Nobriega really own Kitten? Or is that another ploy?"

Sir William's roar of laughter startled all the dining room's occupants including Kitten. "You're damned good. I'd give my right leg and its bloody gout to be thirty years younger. I'd eat the ground you walked on, my dear. Kitten, treat!" He stood up and placed the leftovers of the Mediterranean Beef Stew in its serving dish on the floor. "Nobriega leaves Kitten with me whenever he deploys overseas."

The giant dog devoured the treat and immediately loped over to the nearest wall where he proceeded to rub his furry torso along the room's velvet wallpaper.

"I can never understand why he does that. He rubs his body all along the walls and any soft furniture." Sir William observed Kitten's travels around the room. "I just don't feel that way after I've eaten."

An unladylike burst of laughter erupted from Alexandra. "Sorry, sir. Couldn't help that." She continued to chuckle at her image of Sir William rubbing himself against the wallpaper and furniture.


Ronan, as the only remaining sane occupant, finally asked the still-unanswered question. "William, why would Miriam or 'whatever her name is' want to contact Christopher? And what does your client have to say about the fact that he is not her cousin?"

"Let's retire to the library and I will tell all." With glass and decanter in hand, Sir William led the way into the library.



Hamed al-Abbadi removed his shoes and socks in the semi-darkness of his cell. He performed the traditional wudhu required of the devout to prepare for the final prayer of the day.

He whispered the words from the sixth ayat of sura 5 (Al-Ma'ida) of the Quran as he washed his hands and feet.


He turned to face the open security panel built into the cell door, "I am at prayer. Please do not disturb me."

"Move to the back, prisoner. It's time for your vaccine." The guard decleared as he inserted his code and the high security key into the two locks.

Recognizing the futility of protesting, Hamed turned and placed his back against the cell wall with his hands behind his head.

The guard entered the cell and inspected the cell and its prisoner. "Come in, doctor. The prisoner is ready."

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