Chapter 17: Milking Camels

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JANUARY 15, 2012


"You realize to the outside world and your curious NATO allies that you are not here, Christopher," Colonel Hallas gestured at the tables in the Officer's Mess. "Thankfully, we can keep your presence quiet. Most of my officers are in the field so I have dispensed with normal wait staff for the upcoming holidays." He held his hand up. "We are reverting to our old training methods and not the ones Blackwater tried to imbue in us in 2007, we need a more precise operation set of methods."

Christopher acknowledged several greetings from subalterns that he had previously trained before responding. "Makes sense."

A smile flittered across the Jordanian's craggy face as they sat at a secluded table with their trays. "Obviously, you are here for help. Every time I see you, you need help. What is it this time?"

"I need a few men for an unsanctioned mission. I don't know how you can swing it, but this is vital, Ishoof. If you can't assist, I understand." Christopher sampled the goat ragout. "Mmmm, still good as always. I miss good goat – can't get it in Colchester Barracks."

"How do you expect me to help if I don't know what we are talking about?" Ishoof shrugged to emphasize his question. "I may not be able to help officially, but I have several men going on leave for Milad un Nabi." The shouts from the parade square invaded the air-conditioned dining room as several officers entered.

"And that is my problem." Christopher leaned across the table. "Sir William has confirmed reports of a plot to disrupt the celebrations for the Prophets' birthday. Allahu -alayhi wa sallam (May Allah bless him and grant him peace!)."

"Then you have the perfect reason to approach his Majesty for any help you may need, Christopher. If what you say is accurate and can be verified, he will provide unconditional assistance. You know that." Ishoof clapped his two hands together and made a gesture of washing his hands. "How do you say it? This is way above my pay grade."

"I wish I could approach His Majesty. I can't approach him directly because I think our mission has been compromised. I need men who provide plausible deniability to both His Highness and my government. I don't want serving officers or your men." Christopher grinned. "I want Mustapha and a few old hands who've retired. I only came to you for transport and some of your old discards." He crooked his finger into the universal gesture of pulling a trigger.

"You want that old camel thief?" Ishoof shook his head in disbelief. "This is the man who gave you the most trouble in your training mission and ..."

"...and he's a natural for this mission. He's not on your roster, and he's a warrior in the true sense of the word. If he had been Japanese, I could see him as a Samurai."

Ishoof spread his hands in a gesture of helplessness. "Are you crazy? Has the trip through the Bekka Valley stirred your brains? How do I find Mustapha in twelve hours, arm you, him and fourof his cutthroats without the Quarter Master finding out and then get you to Afghanistan? Do I look like a miracle worker? It can't be done, Chris!"

"I will find him. All I need is weapons and a drop from a training craft." He pointed to the bulletin board. "You have a training HALO drop scheduled for tomorrow night. We will use that as our entry-except we will do a HAHO jump. No one needs to know that five men joined the stick and Sir William will replace the equipment we use. Please ..."


Ishoof stood up and gestured for Christopher to join him on the verandah facing the parade square. In the midday heat, they watched several young men being drilled in a punishment parade. "You are in Amman. Mustapha is wandering somewhere in the wadis southeast of here. You have set yourself an impossible task, but if you can pull it off and find that madman in the desert before nightfall, I will arrange for you and five men to disappear off the HALO stick. You do realize that wherever he is, his security will be tighter than a camel's ass."

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