Chapter 26

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Edit: July 2nd, 2017.

Alex's POV

"They're everywhere. How long do you think we'll be stuck here?" Jada asks in a hushed whisper.

"I-I don't know. I-I mean it's hard to tell. They're moving pretty quickly, but others are just complete snails." I answer. I really haven't gotten a clue as to what's going to happen next. I thought this would be easier than I expected, but apparently, it is not. Not only because of the walkers, but also because a certain someone alongside myself took a pretty good beating that is more than likely to slow us down.

"We're never going to make it." Rayne sighs, plopping herself down on one of the soft couches the cottage supplies.

"You have to think positive!" Jada suddenly snaps. I try not to take it as a complete shock, since she's been a little... word sensitive lately. Everyone seems to think she's goint nuts, but I doubt that's why. Others think it's just a phase; me, I don't know. I think she just wants to be able to sleep at night, and we haven't done that very well since back on the island.

"Positive? We're all going to die in here! There's nothing positive about this situation." Indiana grumbles, throwing her hands in the air but hisses and winces afterwards. I smirk to myself, but brush it off quickly. I'm not apologizing, nor have I, for what I done to her. She's a lot stronger than the most girls I fought, but nothing I can't handle-couldn't you tell? She ended up better than most people after my final moves, I'm surprised she's still standing, and I have to acknowledge her somewhat for that-my kicks are pretty bad and strong, say some people, and I give the girl credit for not being ashamed after having her ass kicked. Though I think she's proud of herself for getting a few punches in. Only piece of advice? The chick needs to learn that in the fighting world that I've been revolved around, pulling hair is an absolute no-no. It's expresses cowardice.

"I don't want to die in here," Summer sobs, her friends comforting her.

I can't help but think: Is this really how she wants to spend her moments, sobbing when we're all trying to compromise how this is going to turn out? A little more maturity was expected when we-I mean Jada-took these people in.

"You know what? We're close to where the rescuers want to meet us, so let's do that. The walkers are coming from Canberra, the opposite way we're heading, right? So surely they'll be taken off course if they got drawn to something that isn't us." Indiana starts, and Parker raises a brow.

"What are you suggesting?" He asks curiously.

"I'm saying that I'm going to go distract them so you guys can go." Indiana answers.

"What? No! You can't. You won't. I'm not going to let you." Noah objects. I've seen that Noah has been very protective over Indiana since we had our little fight. He's been keeping a close eye on her, and is always with her when she comes near me, which is kinda nice. At least she has someone to back her up if she thinks she can kick my ass again. And find romance, if that's what's going on... or whatever.

"Noah, it's the only way we're going to make it. You need to be safe and go to the rescue." She says. She flutters her eyes, eyelashes beaming. Typical puppy-butterfly eyes, eh? Nice touch.

"Yeah, please don't leave. We can work through this." Jada begs, and everyone literally seems upset she's leaving. What the fuck? I question myself. Are they seriously going to be all mushy when she says she's going to leave to help us?

Jada, sadly, glances at me and I immediately move my eyes to the ground. Then I can geel everyone else's eyes meet me. Aw, shit, don't make me choose!

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