Chapter 36

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Edit: August 26th, 2017.

Alex's POV

Walking with Freddie to grab Austin kind of made me feel awkward.

Freddie had told me about his run-in with Austin, and why he was coming with me to recruit him was beyond me. He seemed to not hold a grudge against him for leaving him out for the dead to feast on, or holding him against his will, but I'm not so sure.

It's about a fifteen minute walk to Melody's. The main strip the restaurant is on is probably very populated with walkers, so we take the back, which kinda sucks, because we have to back track, adding an extra ten minutes, and personally, I've walked too much since the infection started.

As we neared Melody's Diner, Freddie's body tensed up and is now squeezing my waist like you would an extremely soft and comfortable pillow. His touch was right below my ribcage, making it easy to suffocate.

"Freddie, I can't breathe," I croak out, trying to catch a breath from the lack of air reaching my lungs. I think he's focused on the building and not able to hear me. I try to pry myself from him, but he's too strong that his grip remains unmoved. I start wheezing. We're about ten feet away from the door and I feel like I'm having all my oxygen drained out of me in seconds. My legs start to feel limp and I start to see stars. "Freddie, lay off! You're choking me!" Maybe he can't hear me?

No response. Alright, you made your choice.

With all my strength, I use my left arm and elbow him hard in the ribs. He reacts immediately, letting his strong, forceful touch move to his side. I drop to my knees, coughing badly like an asthmatic after a five kilometre run without their inhaler.

"Ow! What was that for?" He groans, rubbing his ribs on his right side.

"When I tell you to let me go and that you're choking me, I expect you to let me go!" I snap, catching my breath slowly.

"Alex. . . I'm so sorry," He says. I can see in his eyes he's pained that he had hurt me. "I was somewhere else, I didn't mean to."

"Yeah, clearly," I mumble. "Just-if you're not on planet earth, don't touch me unless you want me dead a few minutes later."


"No, it's fine. You didn't kill me." I answer. He still doesn't look like he believed me. Feeling really nice and in a good mood, I shoot him a sympathetic smile and soften my eyes. "Freddie, I promise it's okay."

"I never want or had the intention of hurting you." He replies guiltily. I frown, knowing he probably won't get over it no matter how many times I clarified it. To prove he's forgiven, I unknowingly walk up to him and plant one on his lips. He stays still until he reacts to the sudden movement, and kisses me back almost immediately.

"Do you believe me now?" I mumble through his lips. He's a really good kisser, so that gave me reason to kiss him. Not because he needed clarification.

This boy is changing me. Jada is right.

He grins, pulling away and looking me in the eyes. "Not quite." He smirks and I roll my eyes, kissing him again.

He brushes his tongue against my lips, asking for permission to deepen. I hesitate, then open my mouth, our tongues making circular motion.

I never been one for making out. Well, I guess I can't really say that. I'm inexperienced in the field, and never really practiced. I have only done it once; with Carter. We kissed a lot, but our first time making out resulted in me going to a trip to the hospital because my tongue got caught in his braces. He decided after the four hour hospital visit that it'd be best for us to wait until he got them off.

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