Chapter Five- I was never so intrigued by cupcakes

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Chapter Five – I was never so intrigued by cupcakes

If I could wish one think from God, it would be extinction of hot boys from the face of earth.

There are three words to describe what I was feeling at the moment- awkward, Awkward with capital ‘A’ and AWKWARD with capital ‘A-W-K-W-A-R-D’.

Can anyone blame me for sitting opposite to Kim Welsh with Blaise at her side and Nick at my side? Can anyone blame me for Nick constantly starting a conversation with me and ignoring Kim and Blaise for most of time? Can anyone blame ME for blushing every time Nick’s arm brushing against mine?

I wanted floor to swallow me completely because of the glares I was getting from high and mighty girlfriend and equally high and mighty best friend of my crush.

I would be enjoying sitting this close to my crush at any other situation but at this one, I just want someone, anyone, to come and save me from the evils of brown and blue orbs smoldering with anger. Instead of feeling hot, I felt my blood almost freeze.

So when Kim decided to stand up and excused herself for washroom, I found that the perfect opportunity to grab and make use of it. Problem- My crush’s girlfriend will definitely drown me in washroom and I really don’t want to die at that place.

So I remained glued to my seat with invisible super glue. What happened after that could be considered incredibly hilarious to Nick, and only Nick, while the ‘last-name-friend’ duo continued to glare at me.

“Come on Beryl. Why don’t you show me washroom?” Kim tugged at my left arm to lift me up but stubborn me didn’t budge.

As if it is a place to show anyone. How amazing it would be if I’m a personal guide for showing washrooms.

“But you know the way. I’ve been told that you have visited this place before.” I remained fixed to my place, trying to resist her pull. Because I don’t want to die at that place.

“But you can accompany me.” She indulged applying more force. She was tugging so hard, I was afraid she was going to shred me into small pieces. By the time, people around us had started staring at the commotion. My cheeks flamed in embarrassment.

Why doesn’t she leave me alone?

“I don’t feel like going there at this moment.” I argued knowing I was landing myself in trouble.

Her eyes were narrowed at me, warning me to do as she asked or else… And my eyes were pleading her not to kill me.

When she knew I was not going to stand up, she let her hands drop and gave me a tight smile. But it turned a full on smirk just the other second. Her eyes shone with mischief and she looked at my left- Nick.

“Hey Nick, I think I should go to washroom now. I’m not feeling very well.” She said with a pout and in a sultry voice.

If you have diarrhea, you need not to say it aloud. I didn’t voice my thoughts but stayed quiet. She gave me one fleeting glance and walked away like a supermodel with her head held high. She was swaying her butt so exaggeratingly that I rolled my eyes.

Who thinks that is sexy? It’s like she had broken some bones of her hip. But I think it just had the opposite effect on boys. Blaise was glaring at table with a frown while Nick was watching Kim’s butt.


“Um… guys,” Nick cleared his throat. “I will be back in a minute.” He said standing up and left us two sitting on the table.

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