Chapter 5: Reuniting with the guys in the unit.

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Talking about awkward moments, here I was talking to the current squeezed of the guy I just had sex with the other night. Come on Athena you could do this, I pepped talk to myself internally.

"So, here's the thing, " I said directly to Stephanie. "I knew you were after me, but I couldn't come with you right now. Other people besides you were after me and they were crazier and more determined to capture me. So a jail time at this point wasn't an option for me or I will be good as dead. So, I wanna asked you a very big favor, give me like 3 days or a week tops to sort this mess out and after that I'm all yours. What do you say?" If I will get out alive. I added mentally.

Stephanie just gaped at me like I grew two heads and not saying anything. I was pretty sure I saw her face tightened and fighting her curiosity, but I guessed her being nosy self-won over.

"Okay. You got yourself a deal." She said after a few heartbeats.

That was fast and too easy. She didn't even give me a faux fight or questioned the deal.

Hmm... Something was not adding up here. My guts said to trust no one for now including Ranger with the exception of Pierre.

"Deal." I echoed and offer my hand for a handshake sealing the deal.

Stephanie took it and looked at me straight in the eye.

"Thank you." I said and turned to Pierre.

"So, Pierre, want me to show around?" I said, giving Stephanie the time she needed to grill Ranger on the ambush.

In my peripheral view, I saw Stephanie's smile I suspect that was calling Tank, Pierre then narrowed her blue eyes to Ranger.

Uh huh! I could smell trouble in paradise from where I was standing.

I angled my hand to Pierre or Tank or whatever the hell his name now and we exited the room quietly.

"Don't call me Pierre in front of other people, please." He huffed when we were in the hallway to the elevator.

"Fine. Jesus! I don't really get the name changing shit." I said, flapping my hands like an angry chicken.

Tank chuckled and led me to the sixth floor.

"So what's on the sixth floor?"

"The control panel room."

I looked at him and waited for the explanation and I see nothing coming so I asked.

"For what?"

"Ranger's in security business now. And my main responsibility is to keep him alive and sometimes anything he wants me to be. Most of the guys are here so, I guess you could come and work for Ranger too if you want. We are always in need of an extra set of eyes and muscles" He said smiling.

I was pretty sure Pierre was enjoying himself. Pierre knew how I hated Ranger's guts way back in high school and how I couldn't get enough of him when I grew up and discovered orgasm.

And Ranger as my boss? That was like you're asking for an accident to happen.

"You're not enjoying on my account, are you?" I narrowed my eyes on him.

"Who me?"

The elevator dinged and automatically opened, sure enough most of the guys in the unit were here and cluttered and doing whatever they supposed to do.

"Athena." Hal screamed like a pansy girl and dived at me for a hug when he saw me.

"Jesus Haley. Look out. A fragile girl here you know" I said, smiling like an idiot.

I missed these guys.

We'd done plenty of things that I will never forget in this lifetime.

"How about me, Thea." Cal said, imitating an actress I forgot the name.

"Of course you too big boy." I said and messed his hair like I used to.

"Thea." Zero called out and gives me his usual salute.

"Lester." I said and grinned back.

"So how about some beer Agent T." Woody whined.

I laughed.

"Sure. My treat. But ask Ranger for a day off and I cooked your favorite Parma ham." I said and winked at him.

The guys applauded and I made my girly curtsy which they love then gagged after.

I was on the verge of happy tears when Ranger emerges from the doorway.

"Where's Stephanie." I asked him curiously.

"Stephanie's here?" Hal grimaced.

"I smell Blood." Zero piped in.

"Cat fight, my favorite." Cal sing song-ed.

Ranger glared at them and I arched my eyebrow at him, daring him to act bossy in front of me.

"You're ruining my image Thea." He whispered in my left ear and rests his hand on my neck I almost jump.

I smirked at him instead and punched him in the ribs and I heard him say Ulk!

"You can go in shifts to celebrate with Thea." Ranger announces and the boys looked at each other and then grinned at me.

I waved my goodbye and followed Ranger out of the building.

"So, what now?" I asked him when we're in his Cayenne alone.

"Now, we do a drive by at the crime scene." He said.

"It's in Miami." I said panicking. I don't wanna go back there just yet.


"I... I just can't go back to Miami." I said finally. "Besides, I promised a hangout with the guys." I added weakly.

Ranger looked at me dead in the eyes and studied my face, which I schooled to be as blank as I could.

"You're withholding something." He accused.

I slumped my shoulders in defeat.

"It's complicated." I sighed.

"How the hell I can help you when you're not telling me every important detail?" He challenged.

He actually got a point.

I took a deep breath and did another of them deep sigh. Of course he was right. He' was not dumb to help me blindfolded and put his life on the line.

"This is not really what it looks like." I started.

"You know... Eddie is... Eddie is... was my husband." There it was now out in the open. No one knew about it except me, Eddie and the minister of the piece.

--->A/N:Edited 3.14.16

The Fugitive (Stephanie Plum series fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang