Chapter 10

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5:30am Madison's room

"Got fire for a heart, I'm not scared of the-" I shut my alarm off. I slowly walked to the bathroom and brushed my hair. I put it in a ponytail and yawned. I put on an orange crop top with an infinity sign on it, and black booty shorts. I put leggings and a sweat shirt on over it and walked back to my room. I put on sneakers and grabbed my backpack as I heard a knock on the door.

"Madison! Jen's here!" My mom yelled.

"Coming!" I called as I ran to the door. I grabbed my phone on the way out and met Jen at the door. "Hi Jen!"

"Hey honey! Ready for today?"

"I hope." I laughed. My mom rolled out my stage kit and we left.

"Sorry I'm so early. My son woke up and 4:00 and wouldn't go back to sleep." Jen apologized. My mom started talking to her and we reached the car.
Zack👻: did u already leave
Mads👸🏻: yah just left:)
Zack👻: o ok. i didn't know who dat was
Mads👸🏻: Jen got here early so yah
Zack👻: ah. u ready
Mads👸🏻: yah. U?
Zack👻: kinda scared
Mads👸🏻: same. but we'll be fine. We have a good trio. Just when you get to the building, find me and hads, and we'll run it like a billion times.
Zack👻: ok. bye bestie be there soon
Mads👸🏻: baiii

We pulled up to the studio and we got out. I checked the time. 6:20. Zack and everyone should be here soon. I walked to the green room and set everything that I had with me up. My mom had the rest. I placed my bag on the chair and went to the dining room where some people who had just arrived were there. I hugged everyone and grabbed my breakfast. I sat next to Brianna and Jordyn. Zack walked in and quickly got his food to sit with us. The iPad's were handed out and we read over the schedule.

7:00-8:30 trio 1 and trio 2 rehearsal
8:35-9:35 trio 3 and trio 4 rehearsal
9:40-11:10- school work
11:15-12:40 stage time everyone
12:45-1:15 lunch time
1:20-2:20 School work (yes again)
4:45-5:15 small snack before show
5:20-6:00 preparation for show
6:00-9:00 show

We scanned the schedule and then went to our designated areas. I was used for interviews and so were Hadley and Zack. After interviews we ran our dance 8 times before we went to rehearsal.

"How many times?" Ricky asked as we ran in.

"8!" We all yelled.

"Thank you!!" He clapped. We laughed and ran the dance twice and worked on our faces. "Okay that's all the time for now. Meet me on the stage after your classes. Then you'll have lunch and another class session, and then you'll run the dance a billion times before you come back. Kay?"

"Kay!" We all said going to class. I struggled again with my art project so I set that aside. I worked on some science and after what felt like forever, we got to go to the stage. Our trio was almost flawless according to Ricky.

"Zack!! You are with two beautiful girls. They will out shine you. You need to project yourself, movement wise and facially." Ricky yelled from the back of the auditorium. Zack nodded and we all sat in the audience. He put his head in his hands and sighed in frustration. I sat next to him and rubbed his back.

"You okay?" I asked him.

"No. I'm gonna get eliminated." He muttered.

"No you're not. You're an amazing dancer. You won't go home." I comforted.

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