Chapter 22

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Song on the side is "Mess It Grows" by He Is We. Thought it fit the chapter well :)

Dedicated to @sfawesome She wrote a review for this book! <3

Happy Reading!

"Mommy!" I cried jumping off the bench and running towards her my blonde hair flying behind me and my backpack bouncing between my shoulder blades. The moment I reached her I clench to her legs wrapping myself almost like a koala bear around them.

"Hi baby." She said squatting down to my level. I wrapped my arms around her neck burying my face into her shoulder breathing in her scent. "I am sorry I am late. I had some things to do." She pulled away and smiled at me.

I had been sitting on a bench in front of my elementary school waiting for my mom to come and get me. All the other kids left with their parents almost 2 hours ago. The longer I sat outside the school the more I worried she wouldn't come back to get me. Being only in kindergarten the fear being alone without your parents is scary.

"I missed you mommy." I said looking up at her as she stood up. Her blonde hair was up in a bun and she was dressed as she usually did; in a pair of worn blue jeans and a t-shirt.

"I did too baby. Remember Jenna I will never leave you. I will always come back."

I gasped for air my whole body frozen and my feet planted firmly on the floor. My mother looked the same as when I last saw her. Everything that I pushed to the back of my mind concerning my mother came rushing up, overwhelming me. My vision was cut off as a big masculine body moved in front of me blocking my mother from my line of sight.

"Jenna." The sound of my name being whispered above me and a pair of hands on my shoulders made me blink. Looking up I met Liam's blue eyes. I don't know why but seeing him staring down at me with worry and almost fear in his eyes made my own eyes water.

"I...I n-need air." I choked out. Seeing the state I was in he only nodded letting go of my shoulders and grabbing one of my hands before pulling me after him. My whole body felt numb as Liam lead me past groups of people talking. The moment we stepped out on a balcony I took in mouthfuls of air as Liam shut the door behind us. I went over and gripped the edge of the balcony panting and trying to force the tears threatening to spill back.

That woman didn't deserve my tears. She didn't deserve anything from me, that stopped the minute she left me at the foot of some house in the middle of the night. That woman was not my mother. What kind of person, what kind of mother, would abandon their own daughter. And here I was 14 years later struggling to make ends meet when she is here with some rich guy. How the hell did this even happen? After all this time how could she be here of all places. How can she be standing here with some rich guy pretending like she didn't leave her daughter on the streets 14 years ago?

Two tears fell away from my eyes. My whole body was starting to shake wanting the sobs to break free of my mouth but I wouldn't let them. All I wanted to do was get out of here and run home but I knew I couldn't. I had to stay here for Liam. Fighting back another sob I gripped the edge of the balcony tighter until my knuckles turned white. I bit my bottom lip until I tasted blood. A few more tears leaked out of my eyes when I felt a pair of arms wrapping themselves around my waist pulling me back against something hard and warm.

I knew it was Liam and sunk back against him closing my eyes tightly. Closing my eyes didn't help, all I could see what my mom in front of me throwing her head back laughing and smiling at whatever the unknown man was saying.

"Jenna what's wrong?" Liam asking in a whisper by my ear.

"My m-mother is here." I whispered back.

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