Chapter 32...

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I have decided the picture above is the new cover photo for this story! I thought it fit better then the other one :) Thank you too @healer12 for the cover!!

The song on the side is All I Ever Wanted by Brain Melo. I just love this song! <3

Happy Reading!!!

After Liam and I showered together, which took us almost an hour, we finally got ready to go out and eat. Liam promised me that we would do all the things I wanted today and that he had a surprise for me later on. To say I was excited was an understatement. I wanted to do so much that I didn't even know where to start. But since it was already nearing noon by time we finished showering and getting dressed we wanted to eat lunch first then fit in as much as we could after. If not Liam said we had another 2 days to do things.

The reason it took us so long to get ready was every time I went to put something on Liam would just pull it from my hands and hide it or pull it off of me while kissing my bare skin. It was really distracting and made getting ready harder. I honestly didn't mind but after the 4th outfit being hid or taken off I wanted to slap Liam. If he had it his way we would be staying in the room all day not wearing any clothes but since I played the 'it's my birthday card' we were going out.

We walked towards the main part of the hotel hand in hand. His big hands fit perfectly with mine and I found myself wanting to pinch myself to make sure this was real. Liam finally let me get dressed so I was now in a pair of dark skinny jeans and a cute red flannel shirt that had a tank underneath in case it got hot. Since I had only packed the one pair of tall black heels I decided to wear them. I could have worn my flip flops or a pair of flats but I felt like looking somewhat good for Liam. Even with him dressed casually in a pair of blue jeans and a grey t-shirt that hugged his body he still looked like he just walked out of a magazine.

Coming to a stop in front of the same front desk of the restaurant Liam and I were suppose to eat at the night before. While we were being lead to our table I knew I needed Liam to explain where he was last night. I wanted a real explanation to not just a semi one. Smiling in thanks to the hostess girl I grabbed the menu. Glancing around I noticed the place just as busy as it was last night. Families sat randomly around, a cute young couple sat off in the corner grinning at one another.

"You know what sounds good?" Liam asked jerking my gaze back to him. He sat across from me in the booth holding his own menu.

"Don't say me." I said looking down at my menu trying to decide what I should order. Since it was practically noon I wasn't in the mood for breakfast anymore.

"Why can't I? You're mine I can say what I want." He smirked over at me. I found it sweet how he said that I was his, and it was kind of a turn on. I've never had someone say that about me and I was starting to like it a lot.

"No dirty thoughts. We are here to enjoy our lunch then go out to do some things." I stated sending him a pointed look.

"Who said you could tell me what to do?"

"It's my birthday I can say whatever I want." Our waiter came over then and thankfully it wasn't the same one from last night.

"Hello sir and ma'am. What can I get you to drink?" He asked. I scrunched up my nose at him calling me ma'am, it made me feel so old.

"I'll just have water." I said.


"Are you ready to order?" The waiter asked.

" Yes I'll have steak, medium rare, steamed vegetables on the side as well as a baked potato." Liam rattled off. Without even writing anything down he now turned to me.

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