Chapter 5. The Marriage Agreement

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Rose's POV's

I sat down on my bed deep in thought ,about last night's recent event.

He raped me ...James Veldez, the millionaire raped me. How could he be so shameful -

There was a cracking sound at the door, I looked up at my door and James stood there looking right at me. I jumped up from my bed and grabbed my pillow and pointed it at him.

"What do you want from me?. Hadn't you taken enough from me already "

I asked him furiously and waited for his answer .

"Uhm ,Rose if you by any chance trying to protect yourself against me I suggest you don't do so by pointing a pillow at me... so cut it off!".

James scolded at me sounding really ticked off by my action against him.

"Okay then what do you want from me or are you here to rape me again, because you might have not finished the job properly the last time!".

"To answer your question my dear, I always finish the job and I always do a proper job. And if I'm not mistaken I clearly remember you moaning with pleasure as I did the deed".

That sent me blushing and brought tears that were about to fall but I held them in.

I am not going to cry. I am not going to cry.

"Can you stop that thing!".
James scold at me.

"What thing? ".

"The way you play with your hands when you're nervous. You know what I'm here to make you a deal that will solve both our problems ".

"What deal?. I hope you are not goin to ask me to abort my baby, because if that's your plan -".

"Of course I'm not going to ask you to abort that thing and by the way even if I asked you, you wouldn't do it .All women like you want money. So congratulation your baby is the ticket to your fame".

How dare he think that I could... that I could -.

"How dare you think that I would use our baby to get money out if you and your family. And by the way its a baby and not a 'thing', it's ours not mine and stop blaming me, because last time I remembered it takes two to people to make a baby! ".

I started crying, while he stood there and just looked at me with no pity or an ounce of guilt for insulting me.

"Rose you can stop the pity party now okay. And now back my deal. I want you Rose to be my wife and I only have 24 hours to make you agree with this plan"

Is it just me or my hormone's, because James Veldez is asking me to marry him. I think I need to throw up or just die on the spot.

"What do you mean want me to marry you?".

"Come on Rose we're both adults and we're having a... we're having a baby together so this is the right thing to do".

"James you do realise that to marry someone you have to be in love with that person right?.

James sighed at what I said and approached me so that he was only a few centimeters away from me but I placed the pillow upfront to act as a barrier between us.

"Look Rose, I don't know what your mommy and daddy told you when you were little but here's the deal. There are no prince's and princesses and there are no happily ever afters, therefore get your act together because love doesn't really exist ".

"James I will not Marry you. Look at yourself, you're the kind of guy that bed's everything that has two legs and moves, you think everyone is below you, you're full of yourself and you think that your money buys everything! ".

I spat my words at him and retreated backwards, because James's face began to redden with anger .

"It's okay Rose, I totally understand how you feel, I really do. But let's play this out. You're pregnant and you have a baby, you become a single mother and of course the cost of raising a child is expensive for people like you , I mean the poor class . You struggle your whole life trying to make ends meet, our child finally grows up and goes to school and someone asks him or her ,who is father ?and our child wouldn't know the answer . Then eventually everyone starts to call our child a bastard... It's been nice speaking to you Rose and if you happen to change your mind before the 24 hours is up, just come to my room and inform me... and don't worry I don't bite".

And just like that he slipped out of my bedroom and left . I stood there in my room alone.

He's right I can't take care of a baby and I don't even have money other than the one I've been saving for my studies, which won't last that long. But I know what to do and it's going to be the right choice for my baby.


James POV's

I sat on my bed sipping my glass of whiskey and thinking to myself.

How could one woman drive me this nuts, doesn't she know how much women would jump at the chance of having a baby with a Veldez. I'll give her time maybe she's just playing hard to get, I've dealt with her type before in the end they're always after money.

A knock on my door pulled me away from my thoughts.

""Who's there!? ".I asked

The door slid open only to reveal Rose standing there. I quickly got up from my bed and mistakenly knocked over my glass of whiskey and I cussed at myself for doing so.

"So Rose, did you think about what I said? ".

"Yes I did and my answer in yes, I will Marry you but only for the sake of our child. I don't want our child to be born outside of wedlock".

"Well that's good I want you to know that you have made a good discision in -".

"Before you start patting yourself on the back I have a few rules for you James "

Rules right, as if me marrying her isn't punishment enough.

"James you have to promise to be a good father to our child, I mean no coming late or drunk like you usually do and no scandals. Did I make myself clear?.

I took a breath before answeing and looked at her in the eyes.

"Yes Rose you made yourself quite clear. When my family comes home I guess we'll have to tell them about our plans to get married".

There was a moment of silence between Rose and myself and suddenly she ran into my bathroom. I ran after her only to find her crouching with her face in the toilet bowl vomiting.

This is going to be a long pregnancy and I have the unfortunate pleasure of being there while all this takes place


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