Act One | The Expedition | P. 2

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The song is called The Dream Snatcher by Peter Gundry. Peter Gundry is an amazing composer and has a YouTube channel just for his music! He deserves a lot of love, I hope you enjoy the song while reading. Or listen to it afterwards! Here it is, check him out!

Composer Peter Gundry:



Act One
Part 2
October 10th

The sun had risen high in the sky as you opened the door to the barn. You smiled as you spotted your old horse, (horse's name). (Horse's name) spotted you and neighed for you to come towards (him/her). The crunching of the hay made (horse's name) excited, seeing as (he/she) has not seen you in a long time! You reached out your hand, placing it on (his/her) snout and rubbing back and forth.

"I missed you, how are you?" You asked (horse's name). (He/She) nuzzled your neck.

"Haha, stop it, that tickles!" You continued to pet your horse until your son came out.

"Hey mom." Alexandre said. You smiled as he walked over to you.

"Hey sweetheart. Ready for today?" You asked. Alexandre shrugged his shoulders.

"Not the most. Or at least not as much as Paloma." You nodded and motioned for him to come towards you. You took his hand.

"Just please be careful..." You whispered. "I remember when I went on my first expedition. Your father lost his whole squad to Annie. He didn't come out of his room for two weeks..." Alexandre's expression turned into a not so happy one.

"May they rest in pea-" Suddenly, Paloma jumped out of nowhere and tackled her brother. "Ack! Paloma!" Alexandre shrieked and Paloma laughed.

"What are y'all doing?" She asked. You grinned and took Alexandre and Paloma's horse and handed the lead to them.

"Just feeding old (Horse's name) here." You replied. Paloma grinned.

"Dad's on his way, I think I might have left him..." She winked and took her horse, Hoof Hearted.

"Why did you name her, Hoof Hearted?" Alexandre questioned. Paloma looked over at Alexandre and chuckled.

"Say it really fast and you'll know." You watched as Alexandre tried it. As you heard what he said, you began to laugh hysterically. Paloma went back to brushing Hoof Hearted, leaving Alexandre dumb founded.

"What does it mean?" He asked you. You shrugged your shoulders, pretending you didn't know. As you looked back as (horse's name), Levi appeared at the entrance to the barn.

"W-where did you learn how to r-run so fast?" Levi choked out. You laughed slightly and took the container of water from your belt and handed it to him. He took it and settled his breathing as he took sips.

"So, are you all ready to go?" Levi asked. You all replied with a yes and lead your horses out of the barn and into the front of the HQ. You spotted Anaya and Noah talking and decided to join their conversation.

"Hey guys, you pumped?" You asked. Anaya nodded but Noah gave you an uneasy look.

"I don't think I'm know." You sighed.

"You've done this plenty of times. What's different now?" You asked.

"We're leaving our children alone with a sitter for the first time! Iya and Nox aren't the most behaved children! Iya is picky with her food! Nox, well, she just dislikes everyone!" He continued to worry until you shut him up.

"Who's your sitter?" You asked.

"Erwin." He admitted. You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose.

"Then you're fine. Erwin is amazing with kids. And Erwin is the only person she likes besides from you and Iya.. and me," Noah sighed.


You patted his back.

"_____, it's time to get in formation." Levi said from behind you. You turned and nodded.

"Okay. See you guys!" You looked over to see Mikasa and Eren. You smiled and look to your left to see Hanji and her daughter, Amy.

"It's unbelievable how much our families have grown over the years...I mean Jaeger.. actually managed to woo Mikasa.." you whispered to Levi.

"That's right," he paused,"well, we're leaving in exactly one minute. Get in formation." He ordered. You nodded and got on (horse's name), making (him/her) walk you over to your group.

"LISTEN UP! Everyone! Keep your head held high, and fight for freedom! If you think for only yourself, then we will most likely succeed! Everyone has their own strengths! Use yours and don't worry about your comrades for if you fall back and try to assist, you will slow down the group! Now let's move out!" Levi ordered. You nudged (horse's name), and (he/she) began to walk.

As you approached the square, hundreds of individuals populated the sides of the streets, cheering you on.

You got this! Show those Titans whose world this is! Don't give up! You heard many encouraging cheers that made you smile, but knowing what really was beyond that wall made your heart beat quicker as you got closer to the gates.

"Hiya!" Levi shouted as he finally lead the herd of scouts out of the city and into the open field. You leaned closer into your horse as (he/she) sped up so you could stay in the front of your group. As you all extended into the field, the formation began to shape up, and everyone was in their groups. You continued to ride until you heard rumbling. You looked to your left to see a crawler. The cadets behind you started to panic and scream in terror as the crawling creature spotted them and sprinted towards the group. A random citizen hooked onto its ear and sped right by, making a clean cut through its nape. The citizen hooked onto a random small tree and landed in the wagon. You nodded you head in approval and the cadet found his way back onto his horse. You automatically knew that one was a keeper. The sun slowly went down over the horizon as the scouts continued to maneuver towards the forest.

"Are we going to the forest of big ass trees mom?" Alexandre asked from behind you.

"Where did you get that name?" You asked.

"Paloma!" He shouted.

You sighed. Of course.


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