Act Two | Upon Wallflowers | P.1

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Act Two
Part One
October 13th



After Eren plugged the hole at Wall Maria, we thought it was all over. Never in known history had titans been able to work together to break into one of our cities. Even I was in shock. Each squad and their leaders had evacuated as quickly as possible. Once the titans flooded through the gates, the only option was to retreat. Sadly, some did not obey. For the ones who did, many did not make it.

We entered Wall Maria with hope. Our objective was completed for a small period of time, but the force of thousands of titans broke the whole gate of Maria.

We entered Wall Maria with 376 people, we left with 13 survivors.

Now it was up for the remaining to go home. I had a feeling things would change the moment the survivors entered Wall Rose.

As the gates of Rose opened, the large crowd that surrounded the gate stood silent. No sound was made. We began to enter the city, riding on the few horses we had, and the rest having to walk behind or in front of us. Of course, I was in the front. I had to be. I was the one to take all the rage, not my cadets. The people began to ask questions as we walked towards the Corps HQ. They wanted answers as to what happened to their husbands, wives, or children.. maybe even their whole families.

It went from silence to a complete uproar. Parents and children were screaming. As the crowd had grown angrier, the less room we had to get back to HQ. People had blocked the path and everyone was looking at me, screaming at me. I had disappointed the people once again. I understood their pain and concern, but they didn't understand mine.

I stopped my horse and looked up at the crowd. Everyone had grown silent.

"Thank you," I started, "I understand the concern right now, but I need everyone to let us by. We have injured people in this wagon, and they may or may not be your loved ones you are worried about. Please let us through so we can save these people."

As I finished, the crowd slowly moved, giving us a clear path to the HQ. Everyone remained silent as we continued. The moment we reached the building, all the survivors were hospitalized, even those who claimed they weren't seriously injured. I had my shoulder wrapped and I then finally had the opportunity to sit down in my office.

As I sat in my chair, I slowly began thinking about all that happened. We entered with so many determined soldiers. We were successful for a few minutes, but the strength of a thousand titans had destroyed everything. How could that have happened. The very thought confused me. As my thoughts ran wild, they were interrupted.

"____..." I murmured, "and Alexandre.."

I had never felt so much pain up until then. My mind was racing and I didn't know what to do. I couldn't find them. I searched everywhere, but there was no sign. After the swarm of titans entered the city, Alexandre left my side and never returned. While working to evacuate all the troops, my mind was scattered. I looked around frantically, trying to find _____ and Alex. It tore me to pieces when the remaining survivors did not include the two of them. I never knew such a pain existed.

As my mind drifted on, I got a knock on my door. As I got up, the door swung open and I saw Hanji. I looked her in the eyes and she did the same. I could clearly feel and see the sorrow in her eyes.

"We need the body count and a list of those who we missed. Proper memorials must be given.." she stated.

I nodded, "I'll get it to you by the end of today, I need to do a head count myself."

Hanji left me to myself, my mind still racing. 'How did that happen? Things changed in an instant. What do we do now?'

I dug my hands in my hair, rubbing my eyes with my palms in frustration. I angrily pulled out the list of people who had gone on the expedition. As I scanned the list, I knew a majority of the people on it were missing. I pulled out a sheet of paper and grabbed the ink. I slowly went down the list scratching down names and who they were to the Survey Corps. As I finished the sheet, I pushed it aside, holding back any and all tears.

I'm Only Human | AoT Fanfiction | Linked SequelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora