{Chapter} 18

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{Chapter 18}

Toni wandered through the peach trees behind the McBride mansion, fingering the leaves on the branches and admiring a well-shaped peach here and there. She needed some air and peaceful time away from the hustle and bustle of wedding preparations at the main house. Wandering through row after row, Toni thought back to her home in Texas. Where things were peaceful-most of the time- and the dust was everywhere. The heat was bearable to her, but the humidity of Georgia in summer was nearly suffocating. She had just reached the end of a row when Erik appeared beside her.

“You out here on your lonely?” he asked.

Toni nodded. “Needed some air.”

Erik shoved his hands in his pockets. “Need some company?”


They walked-and limped- along for a time without saying much. Then Erik stopped. Toni turned toward him after a few steps, noticing he had halted.

“You don’t like it here, do you?” he asked, leaning on his crutches.

Toni snorted as if the idea were preposterous. “Of course I do.”

“Be honest with me, Boss.”

Toni glared at Erik before giving in. “It’s not that I don’t like it here, it’s just that I fell… sort of out of place, is all.”

Erik studied her a moment. “That’s because you’re new. By the time the week’s out, you’ll fit right in here, I’m sure of it.”

“It’s Friday, Erik.”


Toni shook her head and continued walking. Erik caught up with her and fell into step beside her. They heard a rider come up and a squeal from the house.

“Judd must be here” Erik smiled. “Let’s go meet him.”

Toni followed him as he went back up to the house and rounded the side to the front porch. Toni stopped a few feet away and took in the scene. A young blonde man, whom she figured to be the groom, Judd, was spinning Emily around in his arms, and she was giggling as if there were no tomorrow. Toni felt a little heartsick at the beautiful scene, knowing that she would never be so in love with any low-down skunk of a man.

Judd caught sight of Erik and nearly dropped Emily.

“Erik? What’re you doing here?” he asked.

“Plannin’ on me not being here? A man’s gotta protect his little sister from scoundrels like you,” Erik said, no humor in his voice.

“Guess he does. Is that why you’re never around?” Judd asked in the same tone.

Erik and Judd sized each other up for a moment. Suddenly, a grin broke out across Erik’s face. “You got me on that one.”

Judd laughed and held out his hand to Erik, who shook it firmly.

“How are you, man?” Judd pointed to his crutches. “Get thrown one time too many?”

“No” Emily interjected with another giggle. “He sassed his wife one too many times.”

Erik laughed and motioned to her and she stepped forward. “This here’s my wife, Toni.”

Judd stared at her. “You’re m-married? To her?”

Toni prepared to defend herself, and involuntarily clenched her fists.

“Hard to believe isn’t it? Me with a perty little thing like her?” Erik wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against him, leaning on his other crutch.

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