{Chapter} 23

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Chapter 23}

Katie watched silently as J.T. became like a regular ranch hand in the BF Ranch. It seemed like they were all banding together against the greater evil, forgetting about J.T.’s past offences against them. Mark was the bigger issue at the moment since they hadn’t even seen suspicious tracks from the rustlers in over a week.

One morning while Katie was setting breakfast on the table she heard a commotion outside that sounded like trouble. Running to the window, she looked out to see Mr. Cluck after Mark. She couldn’t resist laughing as the man ran every which way possible trying to throw the chicken off his heels. Katie shook her head as none of the hands stopped the chicken, either. She couldn’t really blame them.

She finished setting the table and the hands started filing in, all trying not to laugh. She poured them all cups of coffee.

“Try to wash down that grin before he gets in here or you’re all fired,” she warned.

The all covered their faces with the cups when Mark entered, calm and composed as if he hadn’t just had a life-threatening experience.

They all sat down and Katie decided that she would sit beside Ben this morning instead of at the other end of the table. She had a right to sit wherever she wanted, didn’t she?

“Why are you moving?” Mark asked.

Apparently not.

“Didn’t figure it’s hurt to sit somewhere else for a change” Katie shrugged.

“Beside him?” Mark nodded toward Ben.
“Oh, did you want to sit by him?” Katie asked as innocently as possible.

She heard Wade and Rawhide snicker down on the end and Ben was nearly breaking out in a sweat trying not to laugh.

Mark scowled at her but didn’t speak. All but Mark and J.T. prayed silently over the food then went on with breakfast.


The McBride family did everything from hayrides to charades those next three days. When there wasn’t a game or silly tradition going on, the womenfolk were planning the wedding, making sure everything was going to be perfect for Emily’s big day.

Things were awkward between Erik and Toni for a day or so after the night of the engagement ball, but soon they put the kiss behind them and tried carry on with normal life… as normal as it was going to get, at least.

The morning of the wedding came, and Toni woke up to the sun breaking through the curtains of the bedroom window.

One more day before I head home.

She thought.

Not that she didn’t like it in Georgia, she just didn’t belong there.

Rolling over, she looked at Erik; still sound asleep in the floor across the room. He had stayed up late last night at his mother’s insistence to stand guard at Emily’s door. Mrs. McBride was scared to death that Judd would sneak into the house late at night.

Toni smiled. Erik’s family was sure a unique bunch of people.

Suddenly, a shrill squeal echoed through the halls of the upper floor. Toni jerked up into a sitting position and suddenly Erik was wide-awake. Throwing on her robe, she grabbed her 22 pistol from her suitcase and ran toward where the sound came from. A crowd had gathered around Emily’s room and frantic sounds came from inside. Erik was wide-awake and on her heels.

She pushed through the crowd of relatives to see Emily alive and well while sharing an apparently joyous moment with her mother.

“Wh-…” Toni shook her head, breathless.

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