23 Monster

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The side of my head leans against the cold walls. My arms, wrapped around my knees, shake. My teeth have a slight tremble to them that has been constant. An hour or maybe thirty minutes ago a woman visited me to tell me I will be leaving in an hour.

I don't want to do this. Is that selfish? I should be ecstatic Nate is going to live. And I am. I'm tired. That's all. And scared. I could die there or be abandoned for the rest of my life, rotting away until I'm not myself anymore. I pull my knees closer to my chest and let out a shaky breath.

"Princess Raksana."

I keep my head against the wall, but allow my eyes to drift upward. A man holds a lamp in one hand as he unlocks the cell door. To his side another man waits. I press my palm against the wall and pull myself to my feet, my bones cracking and muscles aching. My lash wounds still hurt. I'm worried they'll become infected without the proper ointments and salves. It could be healed in a minutes if my father would allow it. Gale snuck down one more time to tend to them.

I walk unsteadily toward the men. My head slouches forward from strain. I've become so pathetic. I wrap my hand around one of the freezing bars. The second man grips my arm.

I stumble the whole journey, no matter how much I try to walk normally. I know they're becoming annoyed. The one who unlocked my cell opens the doors leading outside of the building. I blink as the sunlight hits me. The warmth radiates over my numb body.

Waiting for me is a transport vehicle. My father apparently thinks himself too high and mighty to be here to send me off. Gale doesn't though. The man holding me releases me, and I stumble more without the support.

Gale takes my arm, and I present him with a weak smile. He leans forward. "He told me to tell you, you're an idiot but that he thanks you. He said you're even."

I finally repaid him. "He's on his way to Blanair then?"

He nods, guiding me to the back of the vehicle, the doors wide open. It's a miniature cell. In the corner is a camera to record me so the drivers can make sure I'm still alive. "Sorry about this." He helps me in, and I exert the rest of my strength in that task. I sink onto a blanket. Another one is tossed in the corner.

"Isn't the diplomat coming with us?"

"He's already on his way there." Gale holds the doors. "See you in two months."

"You better."

He shuts the doors, most of the light slipping away. I swallow, remembering his black hair, his brown eyes and the way his hair always falls across them. Picturing him, I can see my other siblings. I wonder if they've heard of my fate.

The vehicle lurches forward and back. I press my hand to the floor to steady myself.

My brothers and sisters were in all probability furious if they found out. I'm their baby sister. They were the ones who tended and cared for me.

I rest my head against the wall, but it keeps bouncing. I sit forward, frowning. Most likely this situation currently will be more comfortable than the prison. I drag the second blanket over, intending to make a pillow out of it. Pulling it away uncovers a pillow. I smile, shaking my head. My siblings continue to take care of me. I fluff it up, leaning down slowly, my head sinking into the pillow. My whole body bounces, but I try finding the rhythm in it.

"Princess Raksana?" the voice is curious not mocking. It comes through a speaker in the walls.


"Are you. . . are you comfortable back there?"

I blink. "Yes, thank you for asking. . ."

"Roger. Roger's my name, Your Highness."

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