A Teenage Love Affair: Chapter 41- I Want Crazy

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“What are you doing here?” there was an enthusiastic pitch in my voice as I descended the staircase of the boarding house.

“Fetching my lady of course.” Marky says with a smile.

I couldn’t help myself by that and I ran towards him. The moment he caught me our lips met.

“Good morning.” He whispers to me.

I leaned my head to his. “Good morning.” I then pouted my lips. “Remind me again why you followed me here.”

He chuckles as he leans on my temple. “Because my parents taught me to follow my dreams.”

“Oh, then why don’t you go back to sleep?” I joked and his face sours.

We then started walking and he intertwined our hands.

“It fascinates me. That romantic notions of yours.” I said. “I’m afraid if I try, I might be bad at it.”

He wrinkles his nose. “I don’t think so. Just having you here seems enough for me.”

I blushed. I hope that he doesn’t notice.

“Dennise!” both of us turned to see Rein catching up with us. Marky’s eyebrows furrowed.

 “Thank God I caught you!” she says as she gasps for air. “I’ve been meaning to speak with you!”

“About what?” I raised an intrigued eyebrow.

She leans on one side with her hand on her hip. “I’ll be going out tonight.”

Isn’t that what she does? I nodded awkwardly. I don’t think I’m the right person she should tell this. I’m not her mom. As if I care if she goes out.

“So, don’t wait up. Just lock the door.” she continues then she eyes Marky beside me who looked at her lazily. “Or… you can have a little sleep over with someone you like.”

“Rein!” I blurted, feeling a bit shy with Marky around.

She croons. “Oooh. So defensive. Ciao!” she then leans in to give Marky a kiss on the cheek. He flinches away and she laughs as she walks away from us.

I sighed and I looked at Marky who was wiping his face with his handkerchief. A smirk now forming on his lips. It seems to be his greatest advantage. I wonder if they’ve both planned this. After all, they’re both in the film department. No wonder what their mischief could be. I trust myself not to know.

“Sleep over tonight huh…” he beams at me and I faked an enthusiasm with a smile.

“We share a mutual understanding—I know.” I reminded him. “And as much as I love—“

“Me.” he continued.

“Yes—“ I caught myself but he was already beaming that I wanted to shut him by just kissing him, but then I didn’t dare. “I can’t conclude that yet.” His face sours and I chuckled.

“But I am open to possibilities.”

He sighs. “So hard-to-get.”

“That’s why you love me.” I kissed his cheek and I trotted away from him before he could grab me back.

“I have to get to class. But I’ll see you later, milove!” I giggled at his shock face.


As I got to class, Gavril’s hand shot right up to wave at me. Oh even in hell there’s no chance I’m gonna wave back and sit right next to him. So I look the other way around and found myself sitting at the front. What a laugh to my part who doesn’t sit in front only to get called in class. I sighed and leaned on my hand.

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