Chapter 4

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The next three months flew by quickly, and Melody was always busy. When she wasn't working, she would be with Sky doing fun things she'd never really been able to do before, or she was with Michael, meeting people she'd only ever dreamed of meeting. It seemed as if any famous person that came through Texas was someone that Michael knew. Michael explained to her that thanks to the business he'd retired early from, he was a big name with the rich and famous.

Michael had made a company that did pretty much anything. He called it "the Walmart of the entertainment business." If a musician wanted a songwriter, Michael's company would search for the best. If a celebrity wanted to pitch a perfume, then, for a fee of course, Michael's company would put them through the channels to make it happen. If they wanted to use the state of the art recording studios, or film a scene in the greenrooms, or film music videos...Michael could make it happen quicker than anyone in the country. He'd gotten so successful, in fact, that when he turned 28, 7 years after starting his empire, Michael retired, leaving the job to his brother. He still had shares in his company, but now he got money for simply owning it now.

On one of their outings, Melody decided to ask him why he retired so early.

"I felt as if I was getting too powerful," Michael said. "Power makes even the best people lose themselves, and I didn't want it to happen to me. I had millions at that time, and I was engaged to a beautiful person. I didn't want Lola to think that work came first, because she always will. So I talked to Fredrick, and he agreed to run the ship. He's divorced, strong willed, and level headed. He's perfect for the job."

"It's crazy," Melody said, taking a seat on the park bench. "You're 30 and a self made millionaire. I'm 21 and all I am is a waitress."

"Hey," Michael said, nudging her shoulder. "You're the same age I was when I started. And besides, you're working your ass off to fulfill a dream."

"Speaking of," Melody said, sighing heavily. "School starts in a month and I need a major."

"Just go undeclared for a while," Michael replied nonchalantly. "It's really not that big of a deal."

Melody's phone rang before she could answer. The conversation she proceeded to have was short, but seemed to disturb her.

"Sky's off work," she said. "But she needs a ride?"

Michael looked confused.

"I thought she drove the car today?" he asked slowly.

"She did," Melody replied. "So we should probably go."


Sky looked at the car in disbelief.

Four flat tires? One was understandable, even two were excusable. However, all four being flat when they were clearly inflated that morning? Something just wasn't adding up.

Michael pulled up in his car not too long after she called Melody for a ride, and there Melody was, riding shotgun. 

"Que pasa?" she asked, getting out and rushing to the car. She stopped as she looked at the condition of Sky's car, and her hand flew to her mouth in disbelief.

"All four tires?" Michael asked incredulously. "That's impossible."

Sky nodded, knowing she wasn't crazy. Someone had it in for her, but she couldn't think of anyone who would be crazy enough to do something like this.

"How am I going to get to work now?" she asked, running her hands through her hair in frustration.

"I got you," Michael said. "I can get this taken care of and until it's fixed, I'll spring for a rental."

"Michael, I can't-"

"Hey, I'll just add it to your tab," he said with a wink. "For when you become this hotshot nurse."

"I already am a nurse, asshat," Sky said with a small smile as Michael pulled out his phone.

"And I'm still not going to accept a dime, buttercup," he replied. "Hey, David, can you do me a favor?"

Thirty minutes later, a tow truck pulled in. When the door opened, Sky noticed Melody's eyes widen briefly before she turned a shade of red. Sky followed her gaze and was sure her jaw dropped open as well.

The tow guy was hot as sin. Muscular, chiseled jawline, a smolder that guys would kill for, and eyes that were currently fixed on...Melody?

"Hey," he said, slight recognition on his face. "Melody, right?"

"Hold up," Sky said before Melody could answer. "How do you know her?"

"Sky," Melody whispered. "This is the guy I literally ran into a couple months ago?"

"I didn't know it was my tow guy!" Michael hissed as he smiled at David.

"Oh," Sky replied as she remembered the conversation. "Nice job Mels."

"Shut up," Melody shot back, returning David's smile. "Hi, David."

"Nice to see you again," he said. "Is it your car I'm towing today?"

"Um, no," Melody replied. "Uh, it's uh..."

"My car," Sky said quickly. "Forgive my eloquent friend, we've obviously had a bit of a day."

David chuckled as he looked at the car, then whistled.

"Damn girl, you got an enemy or something?" he asked as he saw the flat tires.

"Several," Sky said, deciding that since this guy had a thing for her best friend, she might as well bring out the intimidation now. Michael just rolled his eyes. He knew Sky was as intimidating as a kitten on the outside, so it was likely David wouldn't take her seriously.

His hunch was correct, since all David did was smirk as he hooked the car up to the truck.

"I'll take it to the shop," he said. "I might be able to work on it tomorrow, but if not then definitely the day after."

"That'll be fine, David," Michael said. "Why don't you give Sky a card, so she'd be able to get in touch with you if she has questions?"

David nodded as he reached into his pocket and pulled out some business cards. He handed one to Sky, and one to Melody.

"I don't have a car," Melody said, confused.

"Well, when you do get one," David replied. "I'll be happy to work on it anytime."

With a smile and a wave, David got into the truck and drove away, with Sky's car in tow.

"My car," Sky pouted as she looked down at the card David had given her. Her pout gave way to a cheeky grin as she looked over at Melody, who was getting in the back of Michael's car.

"He's smooth," she said, getting in after Melody was settled. "Silky smooth at that."

"What are you talking about?" Melody asked.

Sky gestured to the business card in her hand.

"Check it out. It's got his personal number on it."

Melody just rolled her eyes as Michael took off.

"You're full of it," she said.

"I bet he wants to work on more than just your car," Sky said in a sing song voice. "Bow chika wow wow."

Melody shoved Sky's shoulder. Giggling, Sky turned back around and spent the rest of the ride home in silence.

None of them noticed the car following them from a distance.

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