Chapter 10

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Melody woke up to a bright room. At first thought, she believed she was dead, and this was the great light everyone had talked about. However, she remembered the fight, and what her last thoughts were, and then the pain hit her full force. Her stomach felt as if someone had cut her clean in half, and unlike others, she knew exactly how that felt.

She groaned as the pain intensified for a moment.

"Melody, are you awake?"

Melody always heard that there was no such thing as a stupid question, but she'd found proof to the contrary in that very room.

"Quit talking so damn loud," she said to whoever had spoken.

"Yeah, she's awake," another voice said, exasperated.

Melody moaned out in pain again, not caring who was in the room with her. She was hurting badly, and she wanted someone to make it stop.

"Could you give us a minute," she heard David say. She heard the others leave the room, and she breathed a sigh of relief as the pain finally subsided for a moment. She opened her eyes to see David sit next to her and put his hand in hers. She saw the sadness in her eyes, and she knew that he not only knew she was pregnant, but that he had bad news for her as well.

"I lost the baby, didn't I?" she asked.

He nodded, a tear rolling down his face.

"I'm sorry," he said, squeezing her hand. "I wish I'd known....I would have done something."

Melody shook her head, knowing it wasn't his fault. Josh was the only one who held blame here. She'd lost her baby, but what hurt Melody the most is that she wasn't sad. She felt absolutely nothing, and that pissed her off.

She was going to be a mom. She had just heard the heartbeat, and the sonogram was on her damn night table by her bed. So, why wasn't she upset?

"Do you want to talk about it?" David asked her.

She shook her head.

"Leave. Please. I want to be let alone," she said.

"Sky is wanting to see-"

"I don't care what anyone wants, David! Dammit, I want to be left alone!"

David sighed and kissed her hand softly before he left.

Melody turned away from the door, trying to figure out why she wasn't crying for her child. Instead, she cried tears of anger as she tried to process everything.

Her baby was dead, and she felt nothing at all.


Sky looked up as a frustrated David came back into the waiting room. He had decided he was going to be the one to tell her about the baby. Sky had wanted to, but David insisted, being that it was his kid too.

"How'd she take it?" Sky asked as he took a seat.

David shook his head, running his hands through his hair.

"Not well," he said.

Sky heaved a heavy sigh. She knew she wouldn't, which was why Sky wanted to be there. She got up and grabbed her bag.

"She's grieving. I'll go talk-"

"No. She doesn't want that."

Sky stopped, confused about what David had just said.


"Her exact words were 'I want to be left alone.' She doesn't want to talk."

Sky's heart dropped into her stomach. Melody had been withdrawn, moody, and stubborn when she first met her all those years ago, in this very hospital. She didn't want her friend to go back to that place, not after all the progress she'd made.

Through Thick And ThinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz