Chapter 6

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Natalia's POV

I bite my lip, and suck in a sharp breath of air. I've come so far, I can't be found now. I look down at the ground, and I can make out a figure standing next to the tree. The sun was beginning to peek out, and I could begin to see clearer.

"Doll," he says again, this time a little bit more forcefully.

My nerves are on high now, one wrong move and I could be found.

I hear another pair of footsteps walking towards us, and then I see another guy walk up to the first. I hold onto the tree branch to steady myself.

"Have you found her? Why are you standing here?" the second voice questions.

"She's close by. I can smell her. God, where could she be?" the first voice growls out, obviously angered, and I almost let out a yelp when the tree shakes as his fist collides with it.

That crazy bastard just punched the tree. Who does that?  And smell me? What the fuck?! This guy is a lunatic!

"Kaden, calm down. We'll find her. We've got everyone in the pack looking, and you're right. I smell something, she's near. Let me tell the others to come look over here," the second voice says calmly, and I see him quickly walk away.

"Kitten, I know you're here, and I know that you can hear me. Make this easier on yourself, and come out," Kaden cooed, but I wouldn't have it. I was not going to fall into his trap. No way in hell was I going to come down until he left.

I held onto the tree tighter. I was taking small, quiet breaths, and my right side was on fire because of it. I clutched onto my stomach, trying to make the pain lessen, but it only made it worse. A metallic taste flooded my mouth, I was biting onto my tongue so hard to keep from crying out, that I was drawing blood.

"Alpha," I heard a new voice say. I guess in my pain and misery, I hadn't realized that more people had showed up, along with that guy Kaden was talking to before.

But hold up, why the hell are they calling Kaden alpha?

"Bryce," Kaden said with a nod. "My mate, she's missing, but her scent is strong here. Take these people and have them help you look for her," he commanded.

His mate? And there he goes talking about my scent again. These people were crazy, I was sure of it.

"You've found your mate?" the so-called Bryce asked astoundingly.

"Yes, and if we don't find her, I'll lose her," Kaden hissed, clearly annoyed.

"We're on it," he said, and began instructing the small crowd of people who had gathered.

"Cole, you go lead the others on the other side of the house, just in case she's there," Kaden told him. HA. I was right here. "I'll stay here and look around this small area, I have a feeling she isn't far." Shit.

"Okay, man," responded his bud, and he scurried off.

How was I supposed to escape now, with all these people around? I felt like I was in The Hunger Games. You know, that scene where Katniss was up in a tree with her enemies surrounding her, trying to get her.

Damn, I guess I'd just have to wait this out. I grabbed onto the blanket tightly, trying to find some comfort in it. The sun was slowly getting higher and higher, and the world was getting brighter and brighter. It would be harder to escape in the light.

Just then, a rush of footsteps sounded.

"Alpha, alpha! We've found something," this time, it was a female voice. Again, what was with the alpha?

I heard Kaden rush over to her.

"What is it?" he pried.

"Come quick!" the girl exclaimed, running off with Kaden right on her tail. I saw the others also follow them, curiosity getting the best of them.

This was my chance, quickly making sure no one was around, I threw the blanket to the ground, and jumped down onto it. Once again, it cushioned my fall. Quickly, wrapping the blanket around me like I was superwoman, and this was my world, I ran as fast as I could. Even the excruciating pain in my side couldn't stop me.

Once I was far enough, I had been sprinting for a straight 10 minutes, I came to a stop, gasping for breath and leaning on a tree. (A/N: GIF) I clutched my side, the pain full on hitting me now as I recovered my breathe. I was free, or so I thought.

"Well! Look who finally decided to show up!" a voice, his voice, laughed. I froze. Impossible, he had gone off in a different direction, and I had full on sprinted here. I slowly turned my head to the left, my mouth forming into an "O" as I saw my abductor, gorgeous face and all, walking towards me. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping I was just imagining things, but when I reopened them, he was still there. An amused expression taking over his features.

The sun was now high in the sky, and I got a real good look at him. His dark black hair was laid messily on his head, obviously a little rugged from running. He had dark, blue eyes that stared at me with such an intensity, I cowered a little. He was wearing a muscle tee again, and I could still see that chiseled chest of his peeking out. He had dark grey sweatpants hung dangerously low on his hips, and my eyes grew wide at the tempting v-lines that adorned his waist.

I quickly shoke off my thoughts, a small pink blush arising on my checks. I heard a small laugh.

"You like what you see?" he smirked, taking a step towards me.

"I-uh, no," I stammered and mentally face-palmed at how pathetic I sounded.

"I can show you more, if you'd like..." he said lowly, that smirk still plastered across my face.

"I have a boyfriend, and you kidnapped me, freak," I exclaimed, and this time I spoke strongly.

His face fell into a frown, and I swear I saw hurt and anger flash aross his eyes, but it was gone just as fast as it had came.

He was slowly stepping closer and closer to me, maybe thinking I wouldn't notice, but I did. I casually lifted my hand up to the blanket tied around my shoulders, swiftly untying it.

"Well, I guess that's too bad then," he said, watching me wearily. I had to do something, and I had to do it fast. An idea came crashing to my head, it was perfect.

"Yeah," I drawled out, "for you."

And with that I quickly threw the blanket onto to him and took off, for the third time that night. Maybe this would be lucky number three, and I would finally get away. Just as a smile was spreading across my face, I screamed out as two strong arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I whimpered as he touched my injured side, the pain intensifying. I tried to kick him in his lower half like last time, but he anticipated it and stopped me.

"You're smarter than that, you should know that you can't escape from me that easily," he whispered into my ear as he hoisted me up onto his shoulder, and began to walk back to the mansion.

Oh no.

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