Chapter 14

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A/N: sorry no gif today. just really wanted to get this chapter up, it's been a while.

I had been touring the house with Kasandra for well over an hour. She showed me most of the rooms, which were endless, and included a game room, a gym, a swim room and a library, which we were in now. It was grand, a room stacked with shelves, books lining them top to bottom. I knew if I forced to stay here, I would be in this room a lot.

Kasandra and I had made small talk. She explained some of the werewolf rituals to me, like the first transformation and full moon ceremonies. She also brought up the mating ritual, but she quickly breezed through the intimate details of that.

Talking about mates got my wind working, and I knew I had to ask her about my recent discovery; rejection.

"Kasandra," I take a deep breath, preparing myself to ask about the forsaken subject. "Tell me about rejection."

She halters in her step, and I hear her take in a sharp breath.

"Stupid, stupid, Kaden," she mutters under her breath, shaking her head.

"He didn't tell me..." I trail off, biting my lip. "I sort of figured it out myself. Please, tell me how it works."

"Natalia, as much as what Kaden did to you annoyed the hell out of me," she huffs, arms crossing across her chest, "I do not wish rejection upon the two of you. It's not something to be taken lightly."

I shift my weight from foot to foot, her seriousness making me nervous.

"I know. Kaden told me about the...consequences. But still, I deserve to know," I don't back down. If I'm in this situation, then I have to know all my options. It would be only fair.

"Okay, but you have to promise you won't make any rash decisions. Promise me you won't straight out reject him without giving him a chance," she says it firmly, but there is a soft plea in her voice. I don't know what to say, I don't want to promise her anything. I bite my lip and look away from her gaze.

"I don't know, Kasandra."

"Natalia, please. I know what he did was wrong and uncalled for. I know Kaden isn't like other guys. He's much more dark and intimidating, and that might be scaring you off. But you're his mate, and that might seem like bullshit to you, but to us it's the biggest thing in our life. I know you feel different around him, special. The bond affects you too. You are basically half of his heart, half of his soul, and half of his mind. You, and only you, will be the one ray of sunshine that might warm the cold shadows he hides in. Please, Natalia. I'm not asking for a commitment, just a chance," she grips my arm, and looks at me pleadingly. Her little sentiment sends my thoughts running. Did Kaden deserve a chance?

"I'll think about it," I say, because that's the truth. I would have to think before I did anything. Kasandra raises her eyebrows as if she doesn't believe me. So I add, "Seriously, I will."

"Okay," she nods, moving to stand in front of a long window. "Are you sure you to want to know about the rejection process?"

I hesitate. Did I want to know? Would it really be as bad as they were making it seem? But then again, just the fact that werewolves existed and that they had mates was bad enough. One more thing couldn't make it any worse.

"Yeah," I mutter. "Enlighten me."

She looks away from me as she begins to speak, her eyes darkening as she stares out the window. The moon is out, it's shaped like a small crescent, still in the beginning of its phase. Stars twinkle around it, giving off a small gleam in the black night.

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