Chapter 17 - Bad Siblings

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After a day of lounging around, watching chick-flicks and eating a tonne of junk food with Caz and Lily, Caz decided it was time that I get my grove back. She was right two weeks was too long to be moping.

We were going clubbing.

Lily was adamant that it was okay that I went out, although she seemed a little bit sad for some reason. Mum came over and stayed with Lily and watched Caz and I get ready.

Daniel came over after work and wasn't the least bit happy about us going out.

"Caz, I don't think this is a good idea." I overheard Daniel say from my bedroom. I was in the closet applying make-up when I heard him talking to Caz. He obviously didn't know I was in there.

"Why?" Caz asked. I stopped doing my mascara and listened carefully.

"Why? Because she's only just coming out of a relationship, a relationship with my best friend. Remember her last break-up with Bobby-Lee, she was a right mess." Dan replied.

"It will do her good, besides she's no longer with Jack so its not like he has some kind of claim on her." That's the one Caz, you tell him.

"They've only been broken up for two weeks! You know she's still in love with him." Dan reasoned.

"Well he made his decision so that's the end of that." Caz said back snappily.

"She told you why they broke up?" Dan questioned.

"No. She just said he ended it." Caz explained.

"Well what about you? I don't want my wife around all those men, I should come." Dan said protectively. A trait he didn't usually display.

"I am committed to one man and one man alone." I heard a kissing sound and gagged. I am now officially that person who hates happy couples.

The time had come and we had pulled up outside of the club. Caz paid for the taxi and we hopped out. There were only four clubs in town and two in the towns a few districts over. Back in my younger days (last year), I would do a club crawl and go to every single club. Now I'm older, I'm too tired to even go to one. BUT I need this. I must get over Jack.

Tonight's objective, get white girl wasted and hook up with a sexy man.

Before I knew it I was twelve shots in and I was feeling extremely drunk.

I found myself hypnotised waving my arms in the air. I felt so good and free. I wonder if Jack ever felt this way. I sighed and made my way back to the bar. Why do I think about him so much, damn it!

I just wanted one night to be free of emotional complications and I couldn't even manage that.

I walked sombrely to the bar to order another drink when I bumped into someone.

"Shit, sorry." I mumbled. I went to carry on walking when all of a sudden someone grabbed my arm. 

"Are you okay? I didn't see you." A tall handsome man said. He had a sense of arrogance around him and it attracted me. Why was I attracted to bad boys?

"I'm fine." I said cautiously.

"I'm Walter and I need to buy you a drink. To say sorry." He said reassuringly. Caz had walked over to join me as she was more sober to suss out if he was just weird or dangerous.


The rest of the night was a blur but I remember the dude I talked to last night. Willy? William? Will? Fuck! So I can't remember his name, but I remember he was a good laugh. Told me stories about having a side piece for three years and only being caught before his wedding day. Talked about getting a hiding from his brother because of it.

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