The Devil's House

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The next day I put on a pair of jeans and a tie-dye shirt. I checked the clock, 10:30am. In 15 minutes I'll be sitting in a booth at Tim Horton's with a complete stranger. You can always not go, he doesn't know where you live or your phone number the only thing he can contact you with is imessage. You could also cancel and say you have to do something else. You could suddenly go on vacation.

Of course I didn't listen to those voices in my head because 15 minutes later I was in a booth at Tim Horton's with a stranger. This stranger, mind you, was very handsome, but how to describe him.

He had light brown hair, 1-2 inches long and was gelled up at the front. He had the most gorgeous eyes; they were the kindest blue there was. You could get lost in those eyes, they were so mesmerizing. Even when he was putting me in so much pain it seemed impossible that I wasn't dead yet, his eyes said 'I'm sorry, please forgive me. I won't do it again.' and I would say 'Yes, I forgive you.' Then he does it again. His nose was crooked, but in the most adorable way. His smiles is just like his eyes once you see it you forget everything.

Now don't get me wrong, the guy's a splitting image of Satan. I'm just describing how I saw him then, I can describe him completely different now.

"Hey. Are you the girl I talked to last night?" He smiled at me and I smiled like an idiot and nodded. "You look way more beautiful than I imagined you." He smiled again. All I could do was nod again. "Are you okay?" I nodded. "Did I miss something? Are you a mute?"

"No." I said softly finally able to form words.

"What's your name?" He asked. I was so hypnotized I barely heard him.

"Jessica Adams." I answered smiling.

"That's a beautiful name. Almost as beautiful as you."

"What's yours?" I sounded drunk.

"Scott. " he said still smiling. I don't know if that's is real name, it's just what he told me.

"That's hot." I said a little louder than I thought, but he didn't give me a weird look he just kept on smiling. "I mean that's a nice name." He nods.

"Do you want anything to eat?" he asked seeing I didn't get anything.

"No, I'm fine. I'm not hungry now." It was true I'd been so nervous and anxious to meet him; I'd lost my appetite.

"Suit yourself." Scott got up and came back less than a minute later with a medium coffee and a chocolate glazed donut. "Here." he pushed it across the table with a smile.

"I didn't-" Scott cut me off.

"I know, but from what it looks like, you need some fattening up." Normally I would take offense to this not because it's not true, but because he's judging my weight which would usually cause an alarm to go off in my head. This time, however, was different since he was so good looking I just blushed and took a bite out of my donut. The really hilarious thing is; he didn't fatten me up, he made me lose 20 pounds or so. Anyway, back to the story.

"What do you do for a living?" This was the first complete sentence I could form and I said it as casually as possible. Hint: It didn't work. He hesitated.

"I work at a garage." he said like it was the first manly job that he could come up.

"Cool." I said twirling my hair.

"What do you do?"

"I'm a studying to be a lawyer."

"Oh, that's cool." I could tell he had no idea what a social worker is.

"Well, I don't know if I will be I still have to take my LSAT. It's next month."

"What is the LSAT?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2015 ⏰

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