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It was 3pm and I looked out the window. There he was, in his red coat with a big grin on his face. She walked up to him and gave him a big kiss. To be perfectly honest it didn’t seem like an enjoyable kiss, it looked really forced and sloppy. Then again I never really did like kissing, I don’t trust boys. Well, I trusted boys once, but after one terrifying experience I avoid men. Most men anyway.

    Back out the window he had invited her into his car. He probably said they were going for coffee or a movie. The only thing I could think was ‘poor girl’. She was his 5th in the past month, I could tell he’s getting more impatient because each time he’s shortening the process. He’s also changing the game a bit, probably getting boring for him.

When the played with me he just took me out on one date, but these girls get 4 or 5 dates so he gains their trust. But he doesn’t have enough patience to date one then do his thing, he has to date one or maybe two while another is locked up somewhere so he always has something to play with. He didn’t play with them though, he took their life away, he took their innocence away, their sense of safety, he questioned their logic.

Of course none of these girls have to live with all that loss because after they make arrangements for the second date her fate is sealed. Once she decides to go home with him she’s never going back. He’s not as naive as he was with me, he’s much more experienced now. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He takes them straight to his lair where they never get out, unless they’re in a plastic garbage bag.

He throws them away like they’re garbage, he uses them until he finds no use for them when they don’t do anything for him anymore. He is like a little boy once his toys aren’t exciting anymore they’re worth nothing, but a new toy is the best thing in the world until that one gets boring and it’s time to throw it out and get a new one.

    “Monster!” I say to myself. I can’t believe girls fall for his smile. I can see from my window that he’s evil; his smile is of a killers, his eyes belong to the devil, and his soul, well, he doesn’t have one. He was born in hell and he should go rot there for eternity. Unfortunately hell spat him back out. But who am I to judge these girls? I was once one of them. I fell for his eyes and his smile. He was so charming and flirtatious.

    I will never forgot what he did to me. ‘I’ve never told a soul and I’m taking this secret to the grave’ that’s what I told myself after it happened. The police were involved, but I told them not to make a big deal about it. I’ve lived with it for years only talking to therapists and one friend about it. Both have convinced me it’s a good idea to be open with it, so I guess this is my way of being open. It probably wasn’t exactly what my therapist and friend were thinking, but oh well I’m doing it anyway. I’m also writing this because it would be a good idea for people, mostly young women, know that even the most charming people can be monsters even hell doesn’t want.

     It was March 24, 2014 around 8:30pm and I’d just gotten home from a dinner with a friend. All I wanted to do was watch an episode or two of Law and Order SVU while eating ice-cream then fall asleep on the couch. It was the perfect plan.   

    I got a bowl of my favourite ice-cream Colombian Coffee, then sat down on my couch, go my computer out since my TV was being a jerk. I noticed I had some imessages some were from friends, but there was one from someone I didn’t know. The message said, ‘Heyy!’ Being a 20 year old girl I responded saying ‘Hey.’ back. I was thinking it was a really cute guy. Boy, was I right. Little did I know that one ‘Hey.’ would get me into a lot of trouble.

    We talked for hours. I don’t even remember what we talked about. All I know is that by the end I felt so comfortable talking to him. It felt like we’d been friends for years. I finally looked at the clock it read 11:30pm. It was way past the time I’d wanted to get to bed.

    Before I went to bed he said we should meet. Since he’s still a stranger I decided to pick somewhere really public. I picked a coffee shop on the other side of town I had only been to once.

   Looking back I think that was the only smart thing I did, well other than- never mind I’ll get there. Being in a public place is a good meeting place to meet strangers because all you have to do is scream and you have everyone’s attention. Of course, I didn’t scream because I was mesmerized by his charm. I lied, I did scream, I screamed until my throat was raw, but no one came. No one heard me.

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