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Okay, No More Nice

We had nearly made it.


So near yet so far.

We had barely made it a few yards from the prison before we heard a howl and thundering footsteps that made our stomach drop. We knew it was him.

My wolf tried to push herself faster, trying, in vain, to out-run him.
If we could just get to those woods-

Her sentence was cut short when we suddenly felt and immense weight come crashing down on top of us, pinning us to the ground.

It was him.

Our mate hovered just centimetres above us, bare chested, his muscular arms on either side of our head pinning us down. We had no where to run, so I shifted back.

Despite my wolfs opinions of him, his close proximity was making her giddy, and she was filling my head with rather inappropriate and distracting thoughts.

I looked around me instead of looking at him. If I did I feared I would lose control to my wolf, and with out mate this close I didn't want her to do anything stupid.
Like mark him.

So I looked instead at where we had been caught.

Meters, mere meters, from the tree-line that would have meant our freedom if we had just been a little quicker.

I was gutted.

When I looked the other way, I saw that Alpha Damien person walking towards us, with what looked like his beta and gamma.

"So..you thought you could hide from me, little mate," Blake whispered coldly in my ear. I flinched at his words. I wanted to cry, but I wouldn't, not in front of him. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.
"Well...running away is a crime worthy of punishment, don't you think? And believe me, when I'm done with you, you are going to wish you had died the night I rejected you." He chuckled darkly and I could feel myself shaking.

When I didn't say anything he snarled lowly, then, thank the Moon, got off me.

I looked up at Alpha Damien and his men that had now joined us.

"I will be taking my mate now," Blake announced in a cold, emotionless voice, before grabbing my hair and dragging me away without saying another word.

As o was dragged away I saw Alpha Damien flash me a look of pity, and I thought, for one completely idiotic moment, that he was going to chase after Blake and I and rescue me from the utter monster that was my destined 'other half'. But his look of pity had lasted no longer than a heartbeat, and he simply turned in his heel and walked away, his men trailing.

I didn't know why, but I was strangely hurt by the way Alpha Damien just turned his back and left. After all, that was exactly what the logical part of my mind had expected him to do, but still, it hurt. Maybe it was because now that he had effectively handed me back over to the man who tried to kill me hours after meeting me, my hopes of ever being free of Blake were crushed into a million tiny, irreparable shards.

Don't let your hopes fly high,
If you know they will just be knocked from the sky.

My mothers old saying ran through my head, and so I vowed that I would never again show any emotion, to anyone, to avoid having any hope that I may find to cling on to 'knocked from the sky' ,by anyone.

I glared up hatefully at Blake as he dragged me through the woods to God-knows-where and decided then and there that two could play his game.

I was going to become as cold-hearted as my mate.

So what do you guys think of chapter 6?!

I know it's not great and there is something I think I should clear up before you guys start ranting over it.

**There is a connection between Damien and Alice, a bit like a mate pull but slightly different which is why Alice felt hurt when Damien walked away from her**

Anyway, I know, I know, it's a spoiler, but I felt I needed to clear that up before people started getting confused. You will learn more about it in the chapters to come...

Anyway guys, next update will be out when it's been written, I'm not gonna set an exact date coz as I've said before, I can never meet my own deadline 😂

See ya next chapter,

~Moll Wolf

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