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Confirmed: All Alpha's Are Jerks

Adam's POV

I paced, awaiting my Alpha's next orders. I feared for my life far to much to return home and report to him face to face, so mind-linking was my safest option. The only problem with that was, if Alpha did not wish to speak to me, he could block me and i would be doing this on my own again.

After about an hour, and so much pacing i had worn a track into the ground, he finally got back to me.

I am sending a group of some of our best warriors to help you. It's a group about the size of a small army. I am sure you know what to do. Oh, and by the way, they are also under the same orders as you. No mate, no return.

***Damien's POV***

The moment she barged into my office, i knew something was very, very wrong. She was breathless, as if she had been running for a while, and she was extremely panicked. It was rare for Alice to ever look panicked. I was immediately alert and a million different scenarios raced through my mind. Had somebody hurt her, was she in trouble, had somebody threatened her. My wolf growled inside my head at the thoughts but i shushed him. We had no right to feel this way about her.

"Alice, are you okay?"
No reply.
"Alice, are you hurt?"
No reply.
"Alice, please speak to me."
She just stared out of the window behind me. This was so uncharacteristic of her, it was starting to really worry me.

"Alice, look at me."
I stood up and walked around my desk slowly. I then gently grasped her face in my hands and gently made her look at me. There were a million and one emotions swimming in her eyes.

Guilt, panic, hate, nervousness, anger, determination, the list went on and on.

Finally, to my immense relief, she spoke, her voice hard and clear yet quiet.

"I was running in the woods,"
"The woods i told you not to go to?"
"I had a feeling you would, carry on."
"I was in wolf form and we stopped to hunt. It was then my wolf noticed we were not alone. I scanned the area around us. I could see him hiding, but i did not want him to think i had seen him, so i didn't let my eyes linger on him for very long. But i recognised him. It was Blake's Gamma."

I took a sharp intake of breath.

"So, what you're saying is, Blake knows that you're here?"

"Probably. And i think he's planning something. Something big, like an attack."


"I should leave, draw them away. When Blake attacks, he leaves no survivors. I don't want that to happen to your pack just because of me."

I looked at her face, still enclosed in my hands, and did the one thing i never dreamed i would do to anyone but my mate, until, that is, she died. I leaned forward and kissed her. It lasted no longer than a few seconds, but it made me feel something i had been unable to feel since my mates death. Warmth, happiness, love.

The moment was ruined, though, when the door was yanked open and and my beta shouted the words that i always dreaded hearing.

"Alpha, we're under attack."

A/N: so what do you think? Sorry it took me so long to update but i finally wrote 15! Sorry if it's kinda short, but still, at least it's a chapter. So, what do you think of Damien's and Alice's little kiss? Bet ya didn't see that one coming. Or maybe you did i dunno.
But anyway, until the next chapter,

Bye guys,


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