23.What happened to...Best friends?

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After dinner everyone relocated to the house to lounge but I was called back as Derick came up to me so we could "talk"

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After dinner everyone relocated to the house to lounge but I was called back as Derick came up to me so we could "talk". I still had no clue what this was about but I thought I might as well listen.

"So."he started taking a big breath. "I've had a crush on you for a long time-"

"-A crush on me? Like as in like me?"I asked in disbelief. I don't know about him but I pretty sure not supposed to be really mean to people you like. 

"Yeah as in like you. It's just that you never payed attention to me and I guess I thought the only way to get your attention was to annoy you-"

"-Annoy me? No. Torment me? Yes. How-"

"-How about you stop interrupting me and let me finish?"he asked giving me a pointed look. I snapped my mouth shut and nodded my head.

"Okay so where was I...yeah so I thought annoying you would be the only way to get your attention. I've now realized how stupid that sounds and I thought if I really wanted you I'd explain this to you so-"

"-You just realized? You just realized how stupid that his. Derick you almost drowned me in the pool once? You drugged me? You hacked my Facebook account and posted a status saying I had herpes. These aren't the type of things you do to people you like."

"I know, I know. When I started this I was twelve and after a while I started to takes a bit too far and I'm sorry. I know you probably won't accept it but I just had to let you know I liked you and that I am truly sorry."He said genuinely. I sighed. 

"Okay, fine accept your apology. But that doesn't mean anything changes between us, okay?"I didn't want to give him false hope. He seemed like a decent guy but apart from the fact that he annoys me I don't think I know anything about him and I was still trying to get my head around my feelings for both Caleb and Tom.

He sighed heavily. "Okay."He said before shaking his head in disappointment."I don't know why I even bothered, how could you like me anyway. You didn't notice me then and there's no difference now."He brushed passed me. I caught his arm not wanting to hurt his feelings. " Wait Derick. I-I, your a decent guy but I just don't know you that well and I kind of like someone else at the moment.I'm sorry."I told him truthfully although it was two someone's instead of one I liked.

He shrugged. "It's fine."he said giving me a weak smile. "Hey how about this, I give you my number just in case it doesn't work out with this guy."he suggested. I tilted my head as I thought about it. I shrugged in the end. "What the heck."I said giving him my phone to key in his number. He grinned triumphantly. "I'll call you so you can save my number?"he asked.

I nodded with a tight smile and he grinned at me again before walking back into the house. I sighed and leaned against the glass door behind me. Although I was flattered by Derrick's admittance he still wasn't the person I wanted to tell me he liked me. Although I didn't even know who I wanted to like me. Caleb or Thomas? It's so confusing. How could I have feelings for two completely different people? While Caleb was a smiley next door type of guy Thomas was a frowning loner- actually recently I haven't seen Thomas frown much....weird.

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