Chapter 18

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Hey guys! Sorry I've been M.I.A. for the past month. I've been taking some time off writing to clear my head and sort out some family stuff.(: But anyways, thank you all for all of the support you've given me while I was away. It's nice to know people stuck with NMOM even while I was on a writer's vacation.(: 

Anyways, I hope you like the new chapter.(: Sorry it's so late.


My eyes shot open as I felt lips on my neck. I must have fallen asleep in the conference room yet again. My aching back, neck, and bottom confirmed my suspicions as I sat up a bit. 

Knowing exactly who had bent over the back of the chair and was now kissing up my neck, I tilted my head to give him more room. Feeling his hands move up my sides and to my sore neck, my breathing was shallow. 

"You've been working to hard," Adrian murmured in my ear, "I don't think you've left this room in the past three days."

With a sigh, I closed my eyes and felt his hands begin to knead at the knots in my shoulders. 

"I just want to make sure they'll be safe," I defended myself, leaning back into the uncomfortable office chair.

"I understand that but caging yourself in here bent over maps of the Dark Moon territory isn't going to help."

Turning to face him, I straddled the chair. Looking into his warm, chocolate brown eyes, I tried to relax myself. 

I could tell he'd been worried about me and that made me feel all the worse. I couldn't keep doing this to him because it wasn't fair and it's not like I was awfully far up on the 'Good Mate Scale' as it was.

I lightly pressed my lips against his, keeping it short and sweet. My hands curled around his neck to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. 

Adrian shivered and roughly yet with caution pulled my out of the chair and into his arms. Crushing me into him, he wrapped his muscular arms around my neck, leaving me to wrap mine around his torso. Mumbling nonsense, he bowed his head and rocked us back in forth just like when we were in the cave a few nights before. 


Black heels clicking on the hard cement floor, I made my way down the hall of the dungeon. Dripping noises were made around me and pure silver walls held prisoners captive with no way of escape. It was pretty creepy, to be honest. Lock pads kept a tight seal on the doors to assure that no convict escaped and I could hear faint growls, snarls, and crashes coming from the confinement of the cells. 

Stopping at the last door of the extremely long hall, I turned a took a deep breath. Shaking out the nervousness that had flooded through my body, I raised a slightly shaky had to quickly tap in the code on the very tech-looking lock pad. Each tap of my fingers causes a dull beep to echo into the dimly lit pathway. 

After various clicking and hissing noises, the large door slid open to reveal what was behind.

Well, the guards had done what I had wanted them to do. 

They had captured Blaze's mother. 

She was sitting in the middle of the square room. Silver walls, ceilings, and floors gave no notice that we were being monitored but we were, of course. Micro-small cameras were set up at all angles of the room, allowing members of the guard to watch over prisoners.

The cold metal chair she was seated on was bolted to the floor and cuffs held legs and arms to the chair. It reminded me an awful lot of the chair I was held in at the rogue camp.

Clearing my mind of the awful memories, I focused on the task at hand.

I wasn't scared or worried to speak with Ms.Tazman at all because I knew a group that consisted of my parents, my mate, Ricky, Samantha, and fully trained guards were watching over me. I guess you could say I was pretty safe and confident.

MineNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ