Chapter 6

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Hi guys. It's Kendall again.

I've been trying to update more frequently and make my chapters longer while juggling school and family at the same time..

Yet, I'm going to try and get my updates in once a week.(:

I hope it's a little longer than my previous updates. It was 6 pages long on Word.

I hope you like this chapter. It took me a little while and I'm usually not very good at writing about this kind of situation...

Anyways, I hope you enjoy it.(:

P.S. Sorry if it has weird spacing. It was my first time writing one of my chapters on Word instead of the standard Wattpad formation so it might be a little funky.



I woke up to a pounding in my head and an ache all over my body. What happened?

I tried racking my brain, but nothing came to me. When I finally gathered up enough strength to open my eyes, what I saw confused me to no end. I was being restrained. My hands were strapped onto the armrests of a cold, metal chair. My ankles were strapped as well, yet they were strapped to the legs of the chair.

Looking to my right, I saw Ricky. He was awake, a scowl present on his face. It seemed as though he was trying to look for a way out, yet that was seemingly impossible. I mean, look at the room!

We were in a bright white, square room. It was a medium size and the walls almost blinded me. There were no windows, yet I'm pretty sure that the large mirror on the wall we were facing was a one-way window.

How did we get here? I don't remember any of this! I remember getting to the passage, the rogues, and then nothing.

Wait, the rogues...

"Shit! Go!" Ricky shouted at me, shoving me towards the hole.

Just then, a rogue pounced on his back. I can't just leave him! He'll die for sure! Or he'll at least be captured and slowly tortured to death. Yeah, he's funny if he thinks I'm really going to leave him here. I owe him.

"No way in hell am I leaving you!" I shouted, shoving the rogue off of him before it could sink its extended canines into his muscular back.

"No! I'll be fine! You have to go, there's no way we're getting out of this alive. The portals already closing and once it closes, it doesn't open again for another week. Look around, Lana! We're surrounded; there's at least twenty of them!" he said, successfully maneuvering around to sink his claws into the rogue that jumped on his back.

The rogue yelped and growled, trying to fight back. Yet- even in human form- Ricky had the upper hand and the rogue fell in a heap of matted fur on the hard, forest floor.

Before we had time to react, a rogue slipped behind us. Due to the fact that we were focusing on the task at hand, we couldn't even register what was happening before two needles injected our skin and our world blacked out.

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty," Ricky muttered dryly.

Glaring at him, I directed my focus to his appearance. We were both in the same dirty, shredded clothes. Although I couldn't see myself, I'm sure I looked terrible. As for Ricky, he was pretty beat up. His right eye was swollen and colored an ugly, blue-purple mixture and he had a cut that was streaking just above his eyebrow onto his forehead.

"Damn it. I really liked this skirt," I muttered, frowning down at my completely demolished baby-pink skirt.

"Still obsessing over clothes, even while being held captive?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Hey. Leave my clothes out of this," I said, glaring daggers at him.

"Whatever you say, princess," he said, childishly sticking his tongue out at me.

"Anyways," I started, putting emphasis on the 'anyways'. "Where in the hell are we?"

"Well, it seems we were kidnapped and brought here by rogues for a reason in which we don't know," he said, turning his head to look at as much of the room as he could with his restrains.

"Well, thank you Captain Obvious, I think I can tell that," I said glaring at him.

Turning back to look at me, he smirked. I swear, as soon as we got out of here, I was going to strangle him.

"Thanks," he said, still giving me his smug, smirk.

"Smart ass," I snapped at him.

"Only for you baby," he said, making kissy faces at me.

After scowling at him again, I continued my examination of the room. The walls were fairly tall and the room was fairly wide. Looking to the top corners of the room, there were high-tech video cameras that seemed to follow our every move. As for the wall we were facing that was completely covered in one-way glass, people were probably watching us from a room just beyond the thick, concrete walls.

Looking in the mirror that was facing us, I gasped.

My hair had turned back to black. You see, Blaze thought it would be a brilliant idea to get my hair died blond about maybe a week or two after fully mating. Being the foolish little girl I was, I agreed. I secretly mourned my hair that night. I had always loved my lush, black hair that cascaded just over my shoulders.

Yet, Blaze had to go and change another thing about me. Well, not anymore because Lana is back baby, and she's not taking any shit from any man.

That thought brought me to my next dilemma. I have a mate. A real mate. He has to be out there somewhere now that I know that Blaze isn't my real mate. Yet, was I really ready to trust a man again? I mean the last one I had not only kidnapped me but totally screwed me over and lied straight through his teeth about my whole life.

"I see you two mutts have finally waken up," said a deep, gruff voice.

Turning, I saw a large, burly man come out of a door I hadn't seen. He was extremely tall- at least 6 ft.- and built like a boulder. On his face, he had stubble and a large scar that streaked down his cheek.

Taking a sniff of the air, I found that he was indeed a werewolf. A Rouge to be specific. And he had friends. A lot of friends.

Looking back to where he entered, I saw the cut-out of the door slowly close with an almost space-like gust of air. Obviously, it only opened from the outside.

This isn't going to end well...         

Hehe. Just kidding. The chapter's not over yet.(;

"Who are you and what do you want with us?" Ricky asked, menacingly.

"My name's Louis. I'm the leader of this here pack of Rogues. You see, there's a large reward out for you two right now. Apparently, some Alpha named Blaze wants you. And he wants you bad. Yet, I'm not one to listen to Alphas," he said with a sly grin.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked panicked, as he gripped a baseball bat that he must have been hiding behind his back when he came in.

"What do you think? I told you- I'm not one to listen to Alphas. He wants you. That means that I don't you. So you see, you're gonna' stay here for a little while and you're gonna' have a splendid time," he said, grinning to show his set of yellow teeth.


I'm sorry!

I'm really trying to stop with the cliffhangers, I really am!

Yet, I like to leave a little suspense to it. Keep you guys interested.(;

Anyways, please comment, vote, and fan.(:


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