The Introduction

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The man handed the babysitter the money for the food, "This should hold them until I come back."

"I still don't see why I can't watch them by myself." A sixteen year old girl pouted.

"It's dark out, and dangerous." He said, "besides, I feel like you might have a party."

She rolled her eyes with a hint of a smile, "No I wouldn't."

"I guess that we'll never know. Make sure that Veronica and Michael behave this woman."

"Of course, dad. You go ahead and have fun." The girl said.

"Love you Chels." He said kissing her forehead.

"Love you too dad." Chelsea sighed.

Ethan Chandler than head out the door, and made his way downstairs as he reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone. He typed in his password, and checked is messages. There was nothing that scream importance other than his friends telling him to hurry up and to make it to the club. He shook his head with a grin, and text them back informing them that he was coming. The Friday night was cool with slight winds and filled with lights of New York.

He decided to walk towards the club then calling a taxis, since it was only about a block away. The week wasn't the best for Ethan, with Michael getting suspended from fighting his bully, Veronica getting sick, and not to mention the fact that he just got fired. Or rather he got cut off, the company that he was working for had gotten crush under the heel of Henry's, a successful business of Wine and other alcohol beverages. Now once again, Ethan will have struggle with the hunt of finding the job in this cold world. But at that the moment he would forget his unfortunate situation and head towards Houston's nightclub.

The music thrummed dully against the bricks of the club, as Ethan walked closer to the club. He took a deep breathe, before opening the doors. Ethan was hit with the full blast of the music and the sweat of the dancing people. The club was lit dimly, and Ethan forced himself through the moving bodies. It didn't take long for him to find his friends, as they were shouting his name like a bunch of idiots.

"Hey you guys." He called with a small smile, as he headed towards them.

"It's about damn time." James Turner yelled with a smirk , "playing mom again?"

"You know I have to." Ethan said rolling his eyes, "After all I did get laid off."

"Really? So Barty's wine finally got defeated by Henry's huh?" George said smacking his teeth, "What a shame. I guess we have to get you drunk pal."

"To forget your worries." Alex said.

Ethan was already shaking his head, "I have to stay sober to get home."

"That's why Taxis are invented!" James exclaimed, "Alex get the drinks!"

Alex laughed, and got out of his seat making his way to the bar. Ethan shook his head and ran a hand through his hair.

"Oh come on man, lighten up! It's Friday! The start of the weekend, make the best of it because it goes by rather quickly." James said, bumping his best friend's shoulders.

"Alright, alright." Ethan smiled, "Let's start off with shots."

"That's what I'm talking about!" James cheered, "See George, he's not completely a sissy."

George chuckled as Ethan held his hand defensively, "Is it a sin to care for my kids."

"Now, friend don't get your panties in a twist, I'm just making a statement." James said, leaning back in his seat, "I'm just saying that when it comes to hanging out with us, you're very hesitated on joining."

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