Chapter thirty three

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Only one more upload till I post the epilogue!

Whose excited? Cause I know I am!

Anyways, if my Spanish is wrong, please tell me! If it's correct, I will be one happy person :p

Anyways, enjoy! <3




 There is a million ways to say it but none of them can fully comprehend the impact of those words. When my father said goodbye to my madre is wasn’t with words, but with actions. When I said goodbye to Kelsey I didn’t use actions, I used words.

 I wonder now if that was a mistake. If anything goes wrong in the next hour, not being able to touch or see her one last time will be my one of my biggest regret.

 Now staring at the brick building in front of me, I raise an eyebrow and calculate my next plans. Slinging my legs off my bike, I lean down and  pull the handgun out of my boot and push it into my pants waistband.

 When I get my shirt pulled down and I’m about to reach for  my leather jacket, I see a light flick on and off in one of the windows. I know that's my signal to go up.

 Taking in a deep breath, I shove my bike keys in my back pocket and make my way to the old buildings entrance.

 When Pacho called me earlier he said he wanted to meet on the outskirts of Detroit, in some abandoned warehouse off the road. Now I wondered if this was a mistake. I also know it doesn’t matter if my fucked up father is out of prison or not, Pacho still wanted me to join his little group.

 To be honest any other day I would think it was a little pathetic. I never made a commitment to this group, but when I told him I would meet him to make the drug trade, he won’t take it lightly when I deny doing it to his face.

 That’s why I currently have the gun.

 Pacho is a man with a great ego. A man of pride. So I know he won’t like it when I go in there and defy his wants, demands, and needs. He was a demon in it’s true nature and when I wrap my gloved hand around the warehouses rusty handle, I know this moment comes down this.

Everything comes down to this. Before I left I wrote a letter to my madre and I told Jose, that if I didn’t make it home tonight, to give it to her in the morning.

 Kelsey will get the same thing. Aiden was pissed I wouldn’t tell him where I was going, even more mad when I gave him the letter, but I told him this was what I needed to do. This was the life that was laid out for me and I was going to change it.

 While it may seem overly-dramatic, this is real life. People kill for no reason and people die for way less than what I was willing to go down for. That’s what all those T.V shows and books got wrong.

 Sometimes life isn’t fair, it isn’t a fairy tale, and those letters are going to be the last thing I can give the people I love if tonight ends the way I don’t want it too.

 When I step into the empty warehouse, I’m met to a guy around my age. When he spots me, he gives me a nod and smiles.

 “Cuete?” He says as he walks closer to me. I know he is here to check me and if he takes away the one thing I have to protect myself I won’t make it out of here alive.

My Bad BoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz