Chapter six

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“Today class you will be picking your partners for the upcoming project this year. I will be choosing the assignment you and your partner will participate in. This will be affecting your end of the year grade immensely. Remember that it is very important to the way…Miss Mays, am I boring you?”

I feel someone poke my shoulder hard with a pencil and I lift my head to see Maria, the girl who sits next to me in Physics, with her pencil raised and her small eyes flicking to Mr. Clark, the teacher who has now just stopped in the middle of his rant to look over at me.

I wipe the drool off my mouth, something that always happens when I fall asleep during the day, and I look to see Mr. Clark glaring at me, an eyebrow raised and his hands behind his back. Mr. Clark is the kind of teacher you listen too. If not, the consequences can ran from a number of things.

The whole class is also taking me in with interested eyes, anything to get them off the subject of chemicals and molecules. Seems as if I have yet again became the classes own personal entertainment. In college, anything but the class you are taking is better than listening to professors. As I’ve observed over the past week.

My eyes betray me and they go to the pair of dark eyes that were locked on mine, just like everyone else’s in the room. He takes me in with more interest, not caring that I’m looking or not. And I’m totally looking.

Julio smiles a little, not teasing for once, as he brings two fingers to his head in a kind of salute. Even though his smile isn’t his usual one, it doesn’t mean he’s not about to do something stupid. So when he nods and mouths good morning, followed by an obnoxious wink, I realize one thing in that moment.

I’m going to kill him.

I look away fast, blinking  my eyes the next second to get the rest of the sleep away. Everyone is still looking at me so I shyly clear my throat and straighten out. Obviously from the way I can’t keep my head up anyone can tell I didn’t get any sleep last night. When I finally did get back to my dorm the effects of what happened earlier were hitting me hard.

I had to help Kayla, who was already passed out and mumbling, into her bed. After about seven tries I finally got her on her stomach and asleep. When I finally got the chance to get into mine, everything from that night finally washed over me like hot water.

I kept replaying different scenarios in my head on what could have happened with that guy if Julio wasn’t there to stop him. Scenarios that frightened me more than I would have liked to admit.

Most of them were too much for me to handle so I ended up humming along to some Barney song I learned when I was five and thought about anything but drinking. Anything but the fact a guy tried to have his way with me and another guy ended up helping me.

Though, among all those disturbing thoughts, there was one little piece of that night that kept coming up and haunting me. One little piece that kept the Barney song from helping me to calm down and wash away the effects.

I also remembered the fact that Julio never heard me say thank you.

Sadly I wasn’t one of those people who liked to owe people. I have a theory that if you owe people, then they think they have the right to invade your privacy. They think they can do or say whatever they want.

Okay, okay, it was a weird way of thinking and made no sense, I will admit, but I guess I just didn’t like owing people in general. My mother always told me that if I wanted to get through life the right way, I needed to do it myself. If I depended on people then my whole life will be nothing more than a lie.

Yeah just add that to the list of all the other things I hate.

My eyes meet Mr. Clark's narrowed ones and I say a little embarrassed, “I’m so sorry sir. It will not happen again, I promise.” And it wasn’t going to happen again. If I had to drink coffee by the bucket loads to stay awake the rest of this semester than I would. I couldn’t fall behind. I had too much riding on this.

My Bad BoyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon