Ice Cube (Steve)

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You flinch slightly when your fingers come into contact with something wet, slippery and freezing cold. You look up at Tony, extremely confused, and pick up the item. In your hand sits an ice cube, slowly melting away. You look at the clear ice cube and then look to Tony.
"Why did you put this in here? It'll get everything soaking wet!" You exclaim.
"Something had to represent Capsicle." He smirks.

You look over at Steve and he's blushing profusely.
"That's not funny, Tony." You mumble.
Tony turns to the group and begins to speak.
"So Cap's eventually gonna get some action! It's only took him 90 years!" He cheers sarcastically.

Adamant to wipe that grin off his face, you drop the ice cube down the back of his shirt. He begins squealing and you take the opportunity to grab Steve by the wrist and run into the closet.

You and Steve stand giggling at Tony's girly screams coming from the other side of the door. Eventually it all dies down and you and Steve are left standing awkwardly in the dark.
"You know, when I first became Captain America, I had thousands of girls wanting to date me." Steve begins, quietly. "It was crazy. I was used to Bucky getting all the girls, and me just struggling to get even one to notice me. Then suddenly I was getting more attention than Bucky and it was really weird. I didn't really like all the fuss over me." He paused, taking in a deep breath. "But then, I was frozen for 70 years, so I didn't even get a chance with any of them, anyway." He laughs lightly to relieve any tension in the room and you place a hand on his shoulder sympathetically. "I didn't choose to be the 90 year old virgin, it just kinda happened."

You chuckle slightly. "It's okay to be a virgin, Steve. Don't let anyone else tell you differently.. Especially Tony." You comfort him and he smiles.
"Thanks, (y/n). I swear you're the only person who doesn't judge anyone around here. Bucky said that he likes that quality in you too."
You smile at his compliments, squeezing his shoulder.
"That's really sweet."

A silence fills the room and you remove your hand from Steve's shoulder. After a few moments Steve speaks again, his tone low and cautious.
"Have you.. Uh?" He begins to ask, but chickens out.
"Slept with anyone?" You ask.
"Honestly, no. I was close to it with my last boyfriend but it never happened. It's just one of those things."
He smiles sympathetically at you talking about your ex, but you see a sparkle glinting in his eyes. Maybe he's relieved that he's not the only one.

"I was raised to wait until marriage." Steve confesses.
"That's okay too. Steve, everyone has their own beliefs, if that's what you believe is right don't let anyone tell you differently. Stick by your choices. Don't compromise for any-"
As the last word begins to leave your lips, it's pushed straight back in by Steve's lips upon yours. You pull away, shocked. You look at him in awe and his face turns bright red. So red that you can see it in the dark.

"I'm s-sorry, I didn't mean to. You're just so sweet and you were being inspirational and that way your lips were moving, and the determination in your voice, I just couldn't help myself and-" he blabbers on.
"Steve." You stop him, giggling. "It's fine, you just surprised me, that's all."
His shoulders relaxed from the tense stance he had taken, and you slowly move to your tiptoes, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck. You pull him down enough to plant a kiss on his lips. He kisses back instantly. The kiss is slow and sweet, exactly how you'd expect cute, innocent Steve to kiss.

His large hands sit on your ribcage at the side, resting just below your bra. His thumbs dangerously close to the underwire of your bra. You blush at the close contact and wonder if he realises just how close his hands are to your breasts.

The door swings open and Tony barges in, a crowd of Avengers watching from behind him. They all seem to be enjoying the show.
"Yeah! I knew Caspicle would get steamy! Guess he's fully thawed out now!"
You drop down from your tiptoes, moving your hands from Steve. As you moved down unexpectedly, Steve wasn't ready. You drop down, meaning Steve's hands travel up. He accidentally cups your breasts, and instantly moves his hands away.
"I'm so sorry! I swear I didn't-" he starts but Tony cuts him off.
"Sure you didn't, Cap. You're a frisky one, I'll give you that!"

The light from the door shows fully just how red Steve's face is and you stifle a laugh.
"It's okay." You reply, quickly giving him a peck on the cheek and leaving the closet. You push past all the superheroes standing slack-jawed in the doorway.

"I didn't think he'd actually kiss her." Bucky whispers to Nat as you pass.
You sit back on your seat and watch as all the Avengers move back to their own. Steve eventually walks out of the closet, the faintest of blushes still coating his cheeks. He sits down next to Bucky who pats him on the back and congratulates him.

Steve sends you an awkward smile, and you smile back.
"Hey, we should go on a double date!" Bucky announces.
"You don't even have a girlfriend, Bucky." Steve laughs and Bucky looks at you, hope filling his baby blues.
"(Y/n) might have a friend she can set me up with."
You laugh at him. "I'll see what I can do."

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