Toy Soldier (Bucky)

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You feel plastic, like an action figure, stuck in the very corner of the bag, so you pull it out. In the palm of your hand sat a small, green, toy soldier. However, it's left arm was completely wrapped in tin foil. You gaze at it, before looking up at Tony, shooting him a questioning look. He grinned at you and you realised it was supposed to represent Bucky: The Winter Soldier with the metal arm. You look over to Bucky who is watching anxiously.

"Tin man, it's you!" Tony exclaims, grabbing the toy from you and throwing it at him. He grasps it in his human hand, examining it before looking back to Tony.
"Oh, ha ha, very funny." He states sarcastically before walking over to the closet. He seems very intimidating and you can't help but worry slightly.

You begin to follow him before Natasha runs up to you.
"Here, take this, you'll need it." She smiled, handing you a shot of whiskey.
You laughed and quickly downed the shot before entering the dismal cupboard. It can't be that bad, right?

When Tony closes the door, you make out the outline of Bucky standing looking at his human hand. You notice a slight glimmer and realise he's holding the toy covered in tin foil.
"Are you okay?" You ask quietly.
He doesn't answer straight away but eventually he mumbles:
"Is my arm the only memorable thing about me?"
You're taken aback a little bit, maybe he was offended by the toy Tony made.
"No, not at all." You reply gently.
He looks up at you, and even in the dark room you can see his intense gaze.
"I don't know.." He replies, unsure.

You walk over to him, pulling the figure out of his grasp.
"I'll let you in on a secret." You say. "After I met you, the only thing I could think about was your eyes. Like holy crap, how does a person get eyes that blue?" You exclaim, realising that the shot of whiskey was probably going to your head a bit too soon, making you more free with your speech.
"Really?" He asked, seeming a little more hopeful.
"You weren't scared by my arm?"
"Not at all." You mumble.

You begin to peel the foil off of the toy and Bucky places his hand over yours to stop you.
"Leave it on." He smiles. "It's growing on me."
You look up, locking eye contact with those gorgeous blue eyes. He smiles warmly at you and you return an equally as happy smile.
It was only then that you realised just how close you and Bucky were, he was only mere inches from you. He was taller, so his lips seemed extremely close to your eyes and you found that they were all you could look at.

"(Y/n), can I tell you something?" He seems nervous.
"Of course." You smile, reassuringly.
Bucky's grip on your hand tightens.
"You're the only person who actually treats me like a human being. You do know about my past, don't you? It's just I'd hate for you to think that I'm something I'm not." He looks down at your intertwined hands, his soft brown hair falling across his eyes.
"The past is in the past, everybody has things they're not proud of. I don't care about your past, I care about who you are now.. And I think you're a pretty good person." You admit.

He lets out a somewhat relieved sigh and brings his gaze back to your face.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks, timidly.
"You don't have to ask." You giggle, pushing some of his brown hair out of his face.
Bucky takes his opportunity as soon as it comes and he gently pushes his lips to yours. The kiss is so tender and cautious. It's most likely his first kiss since the 40s!

You release your hand from his and place one hand at the back of his neck, tangled in the scruff of his hair. Your other hand rests along his collar bone and he moans ever so slightly at your touch. He places his right hand on your waist, but doesn't touch you with his metal hand.

To encourage him, you guide his left hand to the other side of your waist and he pulls out of the kiss. He looks at you slightly scared and you run your thumb across his cheek.
"It's okay, James, I trust you."
His expression seems pained, like he's conflicted. He soon makes up his mind when you push your lips back to his. Both of his hands grip onto your waist, pulling you closer to him. You are in Bucky bliss!

That is until Tony swings the door open, leaving you and Bucky rushing away from each other.
"Metal man! I didn't think you had it in you!" Tony cheers at Bucky.
"Oh, I'm the metal man?" Bucky laughs. He actually laughs! He clearly feels more confident about his arm already.
"Yes, you're metal man, and I'm Iron Man." Tony clarifies.
"Just because you're iron, doesn't mean I couldn't beat your ass." Bucky replies cockily.
"Wow, someone's feeling good about themselves. (Y/n), you should be around more often when anyone needs an ego boost." Tony winks at you.
"No. This one's mine." Bucky states, grabbing your hand and pulling you to the his spot on the couch next to Steve. He sits you down next to him.

After the others calm down from teasing the pair of you, Bucky discreetly moves his lips to your ear.
"Will you be mine?" He whispers.
You turn to him and nod happily.
"Well then," he speaks quietly, "to us!" He smiles, bumping his can against your glass.

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