Chapter Two

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My representation of Constantine to the side -->
imagine him with dark blonde hair

Lukha POV

I was scared. This skin felt weird, and I  was thirsty.

I was burrowed under soft blankets, and packed inside large pillows. I felt the vibrations of the man talking to another man.

"Most of the shifters we pick up know how to speak, you could probably get this little guys name."

"Yes," I felt the man start to rub my head, through the blankets.

"He's going to be in his human for a while, he needs to get used to being in it. He's very young and almost in the prime of his life. In order to get a bond with him, feeding him is a great way to accomplish that. Just take it slow for a while. Soon he will either view you as a mother or a mate."

"Thank you for the advice doctor, I'll make sure to follow it." I heard him place something down, and the other mans voice disappeared.

I felt the softness above me disappear, and a breeze replaced it. He looked down at me, brown eyes calculating and strong. "Hey little one do you speak?" His voice was soft and soothing, the lulling sound calming me.

I nodded my head. My mother taught me how.

"Do you have a name?" I nodded my head again.

"My name is Constantine, can I have yours?" His tone was again soft, as I stared up at him with large eyes.

"L-l...u-" I started to scratch my face in frustration when my words didn't come out the way I wanted them. I felt Constantine grasp my hands gently. Folding them in his fists, so I couldn't move them.

"It's okay, just take it easy."

"L-uk-k..h-ha," my voice ended in a whisper. I looked up at him shyly almost expectantly.

He smiled,"Lukha?" I nodded my head. He petted my head in praise. "Good boy," he praised again. I almost purred at the contact, he was so nice. Not like the stories I've heard about humans.

He pulled away from me, and grabbed a clear bottle, opening the lid. "Do you want some water?" He raised his eyebrows. I nodded my head.

He pulled me close and held the back of my head, tilting my chin up and bringing the bottle to my lips. I coughed when the first guzzle of water came flowing in my mouth. I wasn't used to drinking this way.

"Easy, don't lap it up. Just swallow." He counseled.

It took me a few tries. The water spilling out the sides of my mouth, getting my chest wet. But soon I got the hang of it, and gulped the water down quickly. It tasted clean, and fresh. Not the taste I was used too.

He pulled the empty bottle away from my mouth, with a pop. He reached behind, to the table again. I heard rustling and clattering. I cautiously tried to peek my head over his shoulder to see, but hunched back down when he turned towards me.

He pressed something to my mouth, it was slightly warm and smelt vaguely of meat. I licked it, cringing at the taste of the smell of humans. I pulled my head away in disgust.

"Come on it's just meat," he took a bite out of the piece. Chewing and swallowing it before pressing it back against my lips in earnest. I opened my mouth cautiously. He pushed the food in.

I started to chew, and I was pleased when it tasted like meat. He kept feeding me piece after piece until I turned my head away when I was full.

I yawned, curling into a ball amongst the softness. I wanted to stay awake but the sudden change of environment took a toll on me.

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